VBS 2014 Theme Release – Photo Clue #4
This week has flown by! It’s hard to believe that you already have at least 8 clues that point to the 2014 VSB theme. Today’s photo clue is one of my favorites, and I think it might be a game-changer.
Be sure to log on to our blog tomorrow and Sunday for the last two Impossible Clues and Photo Clues.
If you missed the first few clues, make sure to scroll back in our blog history to find the first four Impossible Clues and the first three Photo Clues.
And be sure to connect with us on Facebook to see what everyone else is talking about!
What do you think the 2014 VBS theme is now? Have you registered your guess for a chance to win VBS 2014 materials?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Exploration…Discovering God’s Plan…Disciples In Training (DIT)
All about the disciples in training while Jesus was on earth. And, how we are disciples.
Sing along…Peter, James and John in a sailboat.
I don’t know…that’s all I’ve got…haha!
3-D = 3 Disciples, Peter, James, John
Bible Verse – 1 Peter 3:15 But honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defence to anyone who asks you for a reason for hope that is in you. ?? Goes with some of charade signs & other clues had hearts on them. ???
I forgot on clue about “Telling others about Jesus”, that is from The Wild West Good News Stampede # D.