The Christ Connection
If you look at the Bible story titles for children in Lifeway’s VBS 2013 Colossal Coaster World, you will see “Paul Obeyed,” “Paul Spoke Boldly,” “Paul Proclaimed Salvation,” “Paul Responded Wisely,” and “Paul Trusted God.” So after reading these titles, I bet you’re thinking that we must be studying the life of Paul for VBS 2013. And, we are. However, we wanted to be sure it was very obvious to everyone that Paul wouldn’t have done any of the things he did in his life without that divine encounter on the road to Damascus and the personal relationship he had with Jesus. For this reason, you will find a “Christ Connection” each day in the children’s Bible Study Leader Guides to point out how each day’s lesson really points to Jesus. For example, in Day 1’s story “Paul Obeyed,” the “Christ Connection” is: “Before Paul’s conversion, he was a person who captured believers in Jesus and took them to jail. After his conversion, he began to preach the gospel wherever he went. God had a plan for Paul’s life to carry His Son’s name to people who had not heard about Jesus and the sacrifice He made for their lives.”
The daily “Christ Connection” can help you reinforce with your VBS kids that the entire Bible shows us that God had a plan for His Son to be our Redeemer from the beginning. Jesus took the punishment for our sins and Paul was used by God to reach people all over the world to proclaim that Jesus is God’s plan for salvation.
Paul’s transformation and his willingness to spend his life spreading the gospel is testimony that everything we do really does “all comes back to Jesus.” That statement may have been the official tagline for VBS 2009, but it is true in what we do in VBS every year. Be sure you make note of “The Christ Connection” in VBS and in your personal relationship with Him each day.
What a powerful post. Jesus is the reason for VBS!