It's Christmastime on the Lifeway Kids Floor!
Do you have your Christmas tree up yet? We sure do! And we’re really excited to be joining with the rest of Lifeway to collect toys for the Nashville Baptist Association so that lots of boys and girls in our area can receive gifts for Christmas. Our pile may be small now, but it will grow in no time! We’re really excited to give out of what we’ve been blessed with.
Do you like our snowflake decorations? Just like all the employees on the Lifeway Kids floor, they’re all unique! Do you decorate your kids ministry area for Christmas? We’d love to see some pictures!
For 2012, we started a new kids club and we meet on the first Sunday of every month. On our december meeting we had the kids decorate the church’s tree. Everyone loved it! For our craft, we decorated pine cones and put bows on them to be ornaments on the tree. Here’s 2 pics:
Here’s the group of kids who decorated along with the helpers:
Here’s a pic of the tree itself:
Merry CHRISTmas!