VBS Preview Ticket Giveaway- CLOSED
WHOA! We thought it would be fun to celebrate our brand new blog home by giving away tickets to the VBS Preview event at the location of your choice! We’ll give away two tickets* per location, all you have to do is tell us which location and why you want to come to VBS preview! Make sure you leave your name an email address so that we can contact you if you’ve won!
Let the commenting begin! We’ll close the contest at 7PM CST on Friday, November 2nd.
Ridgecrest, North Carolina | January 11-12, 2013
Nashville, Tennessee | January 31 – February 1, 2013 OR February 1-2, 2013
Fort Worth, Texas | January 18-19, 2013
Kissimmee, Florida | February 8-9, 2013
For more information about our VBS preview events, click here. *Prize includes admission to one VBS Preview event only. Travel not included. Winners will be chosen at random.
Fort Worth, Texas | January 18-19, 2013
Kissimmee, Florida | February 8-9, 2013
For more information about our VBS preview events, click here. *Prize includes admission to one VBS Preview event only. Travel not included. Winners will be chosen at random.
I would like to go to the one in Nashville on the 1st and 2nd. This is my second yr as director and I am using your theme because it is totally cool and has not been used at our church before. We normally go with standard publishing because that is what our church association does so I am going out on my own to speak this time and could use all the help and ideas I can get. So winning these tickets would be awesome!! My email is [email protected].
I want to go the event in Orlando. I was able to come to Nashville this past summer to participate in the production of the preview video. It was great! I want to go to the Orlando event so that I can see the video and all of the guys I worked with this summer. Thank you! Seth
Hey Seth– have you seen the video here on the site? Go to the homepage (https://lifewayvbs.wpengine.com) and check out the Overview Video! The other videos are posted in the downloads section.
I would love either Nashville event! Thanks!
Kissimmee, FL-February 8-9, 2013
I am a Children’s Ministry Assistant and last year was my first year attending this event. This year I get to attend with my Children’s Director. Can’t wait to see more details and learn more about this year’s theme!!
Mona, have you looked around our new site yet? There are lots of details about the new theme…and videos! Hope to see you at Preview!
I would love to go to the one in Nashville on February 1st – 2nd! Oh my goodness I have NEVER been to a VBS preview before and I would love to see all of the ideas live and in person! This is my 2nd year as director and VBS is where my heart is. I believe that VBS is the BEST outreach program we have and we must give it our very best! Winning these tickets would be AMAZING!!!!!
I would LOVE to win a trip to the Ridgecrest preview! I have started preparing for CCW and cant wait to see what exciting things Lifeway has planned for this years previews! Thanks for all you do!!
Katie, read today’s blog post. I need your full name. Please e-mail me at [email protected].
Hi Jerry, I sent you an email! Thanks!!
I would like to go to the one on Fort Worth, Texas January 18-19, 2013, because I have never been to a VBS preview before, & it would be really awesome to start getting ideas we can implement in my church in Jaurez, Mexico. We have been using this amazing program for the last two years & we absolutely love it!!!!!
I would love to go to Nashville or Ridgecrest. I’m a part of the Media Ministry at my church and we love seeing new ways to get the kids excited about VBS. We’ve never been able to send anyone, but we’d love to start!
I would love either of the dates in Nashville. Why you ask? Because I would love to bring the most amazing VBS director ever. I’ve been participating in VBS for around 8 years now and she has always been the director. She works really hard at planning and preparing for ours. She also leads a mission team to Oklahoma where we divide into teams and do 3 VBS’s a day. This year we are planning for 4! Our VBS is held in the mornings til 12 when it is over she leaves to go straight to work til 4:30 then leaves to go to her sisters church to help with VBS there to 20-40 special needs adults. I would love to give her this treat! Thanks!
I would love to win tickets to the Fort Worth preview! That is the closest one to my house (about 5-6 hours away) I am on a very limited budget in my children’s ministries and traveling just doesn’t make the cut. I LOVE Lifeway’s VBS and I am always super excited to get the super sampler in the mail, usually right after the first of the year. Our VBS always comes together and I love the video demonstrations you did this past year, but to be there in person to see and touch with my own eyes and hands would be awesome!! Thanks so much for all of the hard work that you put in to ministering to children!
OVE to win tickets to the Ridgecrest, NC Preview! I want to go because I want to get ideas to make this years VBS the BEST my church has ever seen!! I have been looking online at this years rollercoaster theme, and I need ideas on how to bring that alive in our church! Super excited!!
I would like to go the Ft Worth Jan. 18-19, 2013 and get more ideas for our VBS this year I’m the Preschool and Children’s Coordinator and can use all the help I can get.
Hi! I am requesting for a spot at Ridgcrest, NC on Jan. 11-12! I pray that God will bless me with this opportunity to show me the heart of VBS. I have been a volunteer for VBS for over 5 years now. This year, 2012, I have been blessed to direct and coordinate this years VBS. The work, the plans, meetings, recruiting, and ideas have been all new to me! It was hard and tough, but in the end, God pulled through and made it a wonderful success! I was elected to be the next year’s VBS director; however, I believe there is more that I could offer. Attending to the next year’s VBS preview, I hope, would guide me to make VBS a memorable event for the kids including parents! Every year the children look foward to it. I want to make a difference in my little friends’ lives. Because this year’s theme focused on how AMAZING God is, I want them to know they can trust in him and his awesomeness.
I have been directing v b s since ocean odyssy and I love v b s would like to go to ridgecrest. V b s is my life. Watching kids learn about Jesus is the best
I would love to win tickets to the VBS preview in Nashville on the 1st and 2nd! I attended last year and got a lot of great ideas that we used at our VBS. I am looking forward to seeing decorating and craft ideas for this years theme. I know they will be great!
I would love to go to the preview in Forth Worth, TX. I have never been to any of the previews. We are using Lifeway’s curriculum again this year. We have increased in the number of kids coming each year, but really need help in follow up. I also and interested in the Backyard Bible Club material. Would be great to go and see what that is all about.
I would love to win tickets to the Nashville one. We bring a van full every year. It is so inspiring and a great jump-start for our VBS.
I would like to go to the one in Orlando. Last year I co-directed the 5th & 6th grade department and will be doing it again this year. I have never been to a preview & would love to get ideas to help make VBS more exciting for this age group.
Pat, read today’s blog post. I need your full name. Please e-mail me at [email protected].
I’d like to send our director. We all came last year to the Kissimmee one, closest to us. I won’t be able to go this year, but would still like to send a representation for/from our church
I would like to win tickets to the preview in Ft. Worth. As a Associational VBS director, I would love to get a jumpstart on all the ideas. I am also excited to see the motions for the music this year!
Never been. Would love to go to the Fort Worth event. I lead 4th-5th grade music every year and don’t mind saying out loud that I’m a little nervous about our first year without Jeff Slaughter. I know God has a plan for him and for Lifeway so I embrace the change but I would feel more confident with a sneak peak at how it all fits together!
Ridgecrest. Because I love VBS and it is the bomb!
Andrew, read today’s blog post. I need your full name. Please e-mail me at [email protected].
I want to go to the one in Ridgecrest, North Carolina. Last year was my 1st year in charge of the decorations for my church and because my husband had just started a new 2nd job, I had to miss going last year. Last year decorating was SO MUCH FUN and I can not wait to do it again! And being able to attend the conference will help make this year more AMAZING and more COLOSSAL than ever before!!!!
Julie, read today’s blog post. I need your full name. Please e-mail me at [email protected].
I would like to attend the preview event in North Carolina on January 11-12. I have been a VBS director for 9 years and I am completely taken with this theme. The preview video is fantastic! I love the line — Boy: “but this is my church” Man: “Exactly!” We do not need to be old and boring to bring the word of God to our communities! The teaching for this VBS looks great too. The life our kids are facing right now can be a little bit frightening so I think that it is important for the kids and for us to learn not to fear and trust GOD. I have never been to a preview event and I think it would be great to go.
I would love to attend the Ridgecrest NC one on Jan 11 and 12th. This is my first year as the official director for Southside Baptist in Greensboro NC. We host about six other churches and have an attendance of an average of 600 for the week. I have helped with VBS for several years but have not attended the preview. I really want to wow them this year and this would be a wonderful blessing. Thank you for you condsideration.
Lisa Harvell
I just left Ridgecrest a couple weeks ago where I purchased Tshirts for 2013 VBS! The Kids Ministry Conference was such a blessing as it was my first experience with conferences. I can’t believe all the information and resources available! I would love to attend the Nashville preview. My husband and kids have thier tool belts and notebooks ready!
I would love to get a ticket for the Preview in Kissimmee, FL. As my church’s VBS director, I went last year and loved it! It’s awesome – it definitely gets you pumped and ready to go back and enlist!
I would love to go to Ridgecrest NC on Jan. 11-12. I have been a director for 4 years. I would love to have a more indepth study on this year theme. This would be an important tool in helping my church be more effective in our outreach of reaching the children surrounding the church. Thank you very much.
I would like to attend the kissimmee preview… Despite uncertainty in our life, God is tickling my heart on a regular basis about vbs and I just cannot wait to see what he has planned!
I went last year to Ridgecrest and fell in love! It was my first year leading our preschool department. I learned so much and enjoyed seeing the excitement from the leaders and teachers. From security to decorations to crafts & snacks-they had it all! Anything I wanted or needed to know was there! The leaders were so available and were willing to help in any way possible. I left feeling ready to get started and planning! Looking forward to Colossal Coaster World!! I would love to return to Ridgecrest, NC and see and learn all over again! Thank you for this opportunity!
I would love to go to Kissimmee, fl as the Director of our VBS would love to get a jump on seeing all i could do to make a good VBS even better. My husband and i also do all our decorations, this would give us a head start on planning for what would work best for our VBS. I am a VBS geek! I could do it year around. It would be a dream come true.
Fort Worth
Why? Can’t ever start planning to early for VBS, and would be lots of fun to go to the preview. Especially since I’ve never been. Would be fun to take my partner in crime who I’ve worked on VBS with now for the last 8 years. Neither of us has ever been. ROAD TRIP!!!!!
Joyce, read today’s blog post. I need your full name. Please e-mail me at [email protected].
I would be do excited to go to the Orlando location in February! A friend and I lead the music and the opening rally for our VBS and it would be an awesome opportunity to see all your ideas in living color! Thanks for all you guys do to help us reach our kids for Christ!
I would like to attend the preview @ Ridgecrest in NC. I love the mountains and love love love VBS. God has allowed me to direct VBS for the past 5 yrs and what an awesome experience it has been! God has never failed to show up and show out. I have never been to a preview event but was planning to for the up coming yr. I love to be involved and pro active and this would give me that chance. Thanks Lifeway for all you do
I began being the VBS Director at our church in 2011. I attended the Kissimmee location for the first time in 2012. IT WAS AWESOME. I was so glad I got to meet Jeff before he left since for years I taught the music. After attending tho I realized I needed to take some partners with me as I could not take it all in by myself. Unfortunately our budget doesn’t allow for that. It would be a blessing to win the two tickets to Kissimmee so I could bring some help along and let the receive the same blessing I got and to gain all the knowledge we can. Thank you.
This would be our first time doing VBS and we are planning to flight to Kissimmee, Florida | February 8-9, 2013. This would be my first flight to the United State. After following VBS for 2 years (Big Apple Adventure & Amazing Wonder Aviation) and praying to introduce VBS in our church. Finally God had answer our prayers Lifeway VBS 2013 in our Church IBN (Iglesia Bon Nobo) in Aruba!
I would love tickets to any of the previews. I am hoping to do an Associational VBS for our whole association. We have 64 churches in our association and I think it would be a great way for all of our churches to unite with one kingdom focus.
I would love to go to the preview event at Ridgecrest. My church has been gracious enough to pay for my registration previously. I have taken so much back to our VBS that I would not have received otherwise. It is also revitalization for we director who have been doing this a while. I would so love to attention this year’s event at
I am going to Nashville and the only thing that would make it better is to go for FREE! I always enjoy this planning and preparing time to get geared up for directing at my church and directing my association.
I would love to go to any of the VBS Previews. I am the Children’s Director at our church, but wanting to do a large VBS for our association. We have 64 churches in our association and I think it would great to all come together and have one huge VBS and be kingdom focused.
I would like to attend the VBS Event in Kissimmee, FL on Feb. 8th and 9th, 2013. I am the Children’s Trainer for our local Sunday School Association VBS Clinic. I have taught VBS at our church for several years and attended the VBS event last year in Florida. I received the best training at this event and realized that to both train at our associational clinic and teach, the two day training from Lifeway is essential.
Winning the tickets would be awesome, but I plan to go even if I need to pay for it myself. Thank you for all the valuable assistance you provide for those of us who work with children in VBS.
Penny Mourer
Fort Worth, TX
I never been sounds fun… I love VBS. I heard about last years in Silsbee for the first time ever.
Tara Lewis
Email: [email protected]
We LOVE the VBS preview events. We ALWAYS come home full of inspiration, and with scads of digital photos and ideas! Preview events have totally transformed the “way” we organize and execute VBS in our church and community. It would be terrific to be able to invest in additional team members by having two free tickets! While we’ve always attended in Nashville, this year the Ridgecrest event interests us the most. Hopefully, we’ll hear from you about those tickets! [email protected]
I would love to go to Nashville…I am the Assoc VBS director as well as my church director…I love VBS..I have been teaching and/or directing and training in Lifeway VBS for 27 years now..My church budget will not allow me to make the trip without help…I would like to bring my Associational team as well and this trip would be such a blessing! Can’t wait for VBS 2013!
I have been unable to attend the VBS preview events in the past due to scheduling conflicts. I would really like to take our VBS to the next level next year and feel that attending this event could really help with that.
PS. It would be the event in Kissimmee that I am interested in.
[email protected]
My name is Cole Ormsby and I am 13 years old. My mom has taught VBS at our church in First Baptist Church of Woodstock, GA for the past 11 years. She has taught me and many other grades. Each year, our church does a LifeWay VBS theme. This summer, I helped my mom teach a Kindergarten class. We had a great time and I felt like VBS really had an impact on the Kindergartener’s lives. I think it would be fun and helpful opportunity of my mom and I (or someone else) to go to the event in Nashville on February 1-2. We have already been researching and are excited for VBS 2013!
[email protected]
I wanted to go to last years preview event in Kissimmee, Florida but due to my schedule I was not able to go. I would love to go to this years event in Kissimmee, Florida not only because it is close to were I live but I want to learn how to make the most out of the small budget that I have for VBS every year. I want to find out how to increase attendance and how to get more Adults to volunteer. We are a very small church in Lawtey, Florida and usaly have an average attendance of about 30 kids for the whole week, and just about as many adults that help and most of them are parents that come with their kids.
I want to learn how to publise more effectivly and draw more kids to VBS. I have lots of problems with this as it usaly ends up that only me and my daughters end up doing it all and no matter how much I ask people they are either to busy or just do not want to help.
I do have a few that I can depend on being at VBS every year to help teach or runn the Kitchen or do the music for the week but even they have to have a break now and then. I just can not get any one to help get the word out.
This is why I would like to go to the preview event. I am so excited every year at vbs and start planning for next year as soon as VBS is over. I have been VBS director for 6(six) years at my church and am loving every minunte of it.
I teach Sunday School and Children’s Church and am also in charge of the Fall festival and Easter egg hunt that we have every year.
My name is Dana Pendarvis
My email is [email protected]
I go to Highland First Baptist Church.
I would love to attend (along with my VBS director) the VBS 2013 preview at Kissimmee FL to learn ways to reach the children in our area and increase our VBS attendance. I attend Woodlawn Baptist Church in Baxley GA which is a small rural town. I work with the Crafts each year and always need ideas that are cost efficient. I also help with decorations for the sanctuary and other areas of the church. Attending this preview will trigger the ideas and help us get ready for a successful VBS.
I would love to attend the preview at Ridgecrest, NC in January!! I am a new VBS director and am still finding my way in planning VBS for our church and community. Last year, I was registered for the Ridgecrest preview and the week before the event my 5-year-old son had to have emergency surgery to remove his appendix. Someone else attended in my place and came back raving about how wonderful the preview was and about all of the great ideas they came away with. There were some really helpful sounding classes listed in the schedule for last year’s event. I hope I can attend this year!!!
I love taking a group of volunteers every year to these previews. This year we will be taking our largest group yet to the conference in Nashville on 02/01. A free spot would really help our VBS budget and enable us to include one more awesome volunteer. The more we can take the better. I love the excitement that is born in these conferences.
I would love to win a free ticket to either Nashville (grandkids near) preview or Fort Worth. I was in the Pilot Club last year and the previews give hands-on ideas and personal contact with the creators. It would also be cool because I was part of a think tank for this years VBS.
I would feel Blessed to win tickets to Nashville. I have been a VBS Director for over 10 years and never had the opportunity to attend this event. This would benefit our church, community , and myself so much as we prepare this year for the best VBS ever !!! Thank you in advance for you consideration!!
Nashville 2
I want to go because I LOVE VBS!! I want to bring our key leaders to build excitement and begin preparing them. Yay!!
I would love two free tickets to the Ridgecrest Preview Event!!! Our church LOVES VBS and every year our VBS attendance grows. With this growth, comes the need for our leadership team to grow. I used to direct VBS by myself and this past year we had a team of five leading!!! Unfortunately, I cannot take the whole team to the preview event because we need every penny of our budget to support the growth of VBS. I hate this because the VBS preview event is so helpful. For the past two years I have only been able to take two people. It is impossible for two people to attend all of the sessions. If I could take two more people, the information we could take home would be priceless!!! The preview event also ignites an enthusiasm withing the leadership team!! If the whole team could go, the enthusiasm would simply spread!!! Two free tickets would mean a lot to me!! Thanks!
Emily Wood
[email protected]
Rutherfordton, NC
Well, I am praying for the Ridgecrest, NC event. This is my first year of actually being considered the “official” VBS director. I’ve never been to these events before. I am interested in finding out what VBS is like in other churches besides my home church. In 2011, I was just a helper. For VBS in July 2012 I became Assistant Director. And as of August 2012, I became the “official” VBS director. I would like to go so that God can give me more insight into what He wants for my church’s VBS 2013 program. I’m also just wondering what VBS is like outside the small-church VBS. Thanks Lifeway for offering this contest!
To the best of my knowledge no one from our church as ever been able to attend one of these previews. I would love to attend the preview in Kissimee, FL. For approximately the past 5 or 6 years my husband has created and built our Church’s Santuary layout (of course I was enlisted to assist). And for the past 9 years i’ve been the craft director (along with my husbands’ help). I would love to be able to attend one of these and see in person all the great ideas and meet others involved in this great Youth Outreach. Thank you.
Trish, read today’s blog post. I need your full name. Please e-mail me at [email protected].
I would LOVE to attend the preview session @ Ridgecrest, NC. Next year will be my 4th year of directing a Lifeway VBS @ Halltown Baptist Church in Halltown, MO. Every year has been GREAT & we’ve had at least 3 kids each year make the decision to accept Christ as Personal Savior (We average about 60 kids each year). I would like to get some fresh ideas & re-energize for the upcoming 2013 VBS. Thank you for this opportunity!
I would love to go to the Ridgecrest NC preview. I have been doing Lifeway VBS’ for more years than I can remember. First as Assistant Director and the last several years as the music leader. The music is fabulous and it is such a wonderful outreach to our community! Our entire church gets involved, our pastor ALWAYS teaches 4th-5th grade and all the kids can’t wait to get to his class. I even have kids requesting songs from past vbs’ during music time! I would love to get a preview and be really pumped and ready to give our youth and children’s choirs a sneak peak at the music! Plus, it’s just 3 days after my birthday and would be a GREAT birthday present! : )
I absolutely LOVE VBS!!! I have served as director for several years and it is such a blessing to be able to reach out to kids in the community and see them coming to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through VBS. It also blesses my heart to see the teenagers wanting to participate in VBS, when the world is offering them so many other things. I have never been able to attend a Preview or use a current edition VBS but have always had to use previous editions that have been passed down through several churches. It would be such a blessing to finally be able to attend a Preview Event. If chosen, I would like to attend the Nashville TN event. Thank you & God Bless
I have been the VBS Director of our church for 15 years. It has been a blessing to see what amazing things God will do with the theme, all the workers and most importantly all the attendees (we have VBS for ages 0-99). It’s never worked out to attend a preview event in the past. I would like to go to Ft. Worth because I have a new prayer partner there (whom I’ve never met). It would be a double blessing to get some fresh, new ideas for VBS and to meet my partner in prayer. Thanks!
Would love a free ticket to the VBS Preview Event at Ridgecrest! Just couldn’t fit it into my schedule at the recent Kids Ministry Conference, but loved looking at the display in the Exhibition Hall! Looking forward to VBS 2013!