National Dog Day
In case you didn’t know, yesterday was National Dog Day. In honor of that, we decided it would be fun to introduce you to our dogs. Now, you will see a lot of pictures of cute dogs who pose real sweet for a picture, but my dogs are not that cooperative! I had to try and get a shot while they were running around in the yard! Meet Harley and Molly!
Carol has two dogs, Pumpkin and Penelope. They keep watch over the house when everyone is away!
Meet my dog-nephew, Peyton. Is he not the sweetest looking dog ever?! My nephews were young boys when they got him. They knew immediately what his name would be: Peyton Manning Prewitt! (As UT football fans, there was no other option.) Peyton and I had a special bond. When my entire family was together, he would bring his tennis ball or toy straight to me. He knew I adored him. Sadly, Peyton developed cancer. It was a heart-wrenching day when we had to put him to sleep. He will always be my favorite dog!
Our family dog is Lola Coco (her official A.K.A. name). She is a 6-year-old dachshund (that’s 42 in dog years) and is affectionately known by her family as Lolabell. Actually, she is my youngest son’s dog that he brought home with him when he graduated from college. We don’t get to see her very often, but she does come to visit occasionally. Lola is very active and loving, especially with children. When it comes to my son, “Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets.” Yes, she is spoiled rotten!
Gordon’s family has two dogs, Lucy and Buckley. Buckley is the newest addition to the family. Here’s his picture with Gordon’s son, Evan.
Meet Courtney’s dog Milo. Isn’t he the cutest thing?
Pam’s family has the sweetest dog, Vandy. Named, of course, for Vanderbilt University!
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I write adventures for dog and cats,