2012 Club VBS: SpaceQuest!
Hey guys! I’m thrilled to be bringing you a little bit of fun info about this year’s club VBS, SpaceQuest! I think space is AWESOME, and I’m excited to see what you guys are coming up with to help bring the whole theme together this year.
If you aren’t familiar with this year’s theme, it’s based on John 14:6 (HCSB), “Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Kids will have a galaxy full of fun as they learn all about Jesus’ mission for them.
One of the things I love about Club VBS is the flexibility of the material– not only does it work in a traditional VBS setting, but you could also use it over Spring Break, Fall Break, or even for a midweek gathering! The material provides a two-hour schedule for five days, or one-hour schedule for ten days! You could even use SpaceQuest as your material for a fun day camp.
Like the main VBS theme, there are Bible study, craft, and recreation/snack rotations. During the two-hour daily SpaceQuest plan, kids will attend Worship Rally and travel to three rotation sites.
Flexibility is key here; the materials are usable with any Bible translation, and mission stories are available on the Web as a free download.
So what are we learning about this year as part of SpaceQuest? Well, that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
Preschoolers will learn that they can thank God for Jesus, show love to Jesus and others, remember what Jesus did, learn that Jesus showed God’s love for all people, and tell others about Jesus. (Life Application, Days 1-5)
Older children will learn they can celebrate and worship Jesus, give their best to Jesus, choose to do what God wants them to do, accept Jesus as Savior and Lord, and tell others about Jesus! (Life Application, Days 1-5)
The best part? You can find everything you need to get started on your space journey right here! And isn’t the art super cute?
Is your church using SpaceQuest this year? Tell us how you’re utilizing the materials and share some of your planning and decorating tips with others who may need some help!
I just found out we are using Space Quest. I have been getting ready for the Avation theme since it was announced. So now I need to regroup and start from scratch.
So I’d LOVE it if someone would share anything they are doing for the PRE-SCHOOL age.
I’m not new to teaching kids this young (current S.S. & TK teacher for this age), but this is my first time in a long time that I am THE TEACHER for this class in VBS.
Thanks a ton!