First Official Geek of the Week – Debbie Muller
I am so excited that I get to introduce one of my Illinois friends as the First Official VBS Geek of the Week. Debbie Muller works for the Illinois Baptist State Association in Springfield, Illinois and is a MEGA VBS FAN. She got our team’s attention at previews with her custom designed VBS jewelry. (Check out that subway token bling on her ears! Debbie is the one on the right.)
Illinois hosts one of our earliest early bird conferences and Debbie volunteers every year to get things ready… in a BIG WAY!! Jerry Wooley often comes “back to the ranch” with tales about how they outdid themselves again this year. Here’s evidence of one of his IL trips! According to Debbie, this fully operational bull ride was given to one of the IL cowboy churches after Saddle Ridge Ranch was over. I guess VBS rides again!
I asked Debbie some questions about her passion for VBS. Here’s part of our interview:
Me: What has been your “geekiest” VBS moment?
Debbie: For Arctic Edge we borrowed a moose head and hauled it all the way across town in the back of a pick-up truck. Oh, the looks we got!! We had to work to hang the thing with moving straps, then carefully suggest that folks might not want to stand under it… just in case!
(She also had great stories about big foam medical boxes she got for free, but covered up so much of the windshield, she could hardly see out. Or driving all over Illinois with a car filled with surfboards… think about that one for a minute and it’ll hit you! Or driving down the interstate with a Ramblin’ Road Trip travel trailer in the bed of her pickup truck! She had me laughing so hard I think I disturbed all my hallway office neighbors!)
Me: What is your favorite VBS theme to date?
Debbie: That’s hard because I like them all. But, I really like Ramblin’ Road Trip because I had actually been to all those places and had pictures and stories to share.
Me: What makes you continue to do VBS year after year?
Debbie: I just love it. It’s hard to explain – it’s like chocolate, you just gotta have it! I just have that much fun with it.
Me: How would you complete this sentence? You might be a VBS Geek if …
Debbie: You can sing ALL the VBS songs. My knees still hurt when I sing “Jehovah Jireh.” I don’t do rap, but I rapped John 3:16!
Me: Will we see you at one of the VBS Previews?
Debbie: I’m bringing a van full to Nashville! I’m helping as a volunteer in Expo! Woo hoo!
Debbie’s enthusiasm was contagious as she talked about past VBS experiences and the “it’ll do everything but fly” airplane her husband is building for Amazing Wonders Aviation next year. But, what really impressed me the most was her true spirit of what VBS is all about – telling kids about Jesus. Debbie not only volunteers to help with state and local training of workers, but she works!! Debbie volunteers at 3 or 4 VBS’s every summer in addition to working in her own church’s VBS. Now THAT’S passion!
Thanks, Debbie, for all you do for the Kingdom! And for saying, “Yeh-yeh-yeh-yeh- yes! to Vuh-vuh-vuh-VBS!!”
I am an Illinois Baptist- How neat to see “our” Debbie featured!
Thank you so much. I am so honored and I hope to live up to this title for a very long time.
GO DEBBIE! I love the questions you asked her. My “geekiest” VBS moment was embarrassing my husband to death as I went dumpster diving at a larger church when their VBS was through. But, he got over it as their pastor came out and started helping me load up the good stuff. From that point on the pastor would call me every year to help arrange a pick up day/time 🙂
Congrats Debbie on the first VBS Geek of the Week!!! You are so wonderful with all the things you do for IBSA and God’s Kingdom. I can’t think of anyone who is a better Geek than you are. LOVE YA!!!!