The VBS Team … Live
This week we are going to be giving you a little behind the scenes look at what’s going on live here at Lifeway. And to fill you in on things, this week is a crazy, CRAZY week for us. We are currently working on shooting all the photos and videos for Amazing Wonders Aviation, which start on Wednesday. But, before we can do that, all of those beautiful sets you see in the catalog, Decorating Made Easy, and at VBS Preview Events, have to be built and assembled.
So, today, here’s a little visual representation of what’s going on particularly with The Great Barrier Reef set:
When we started assembling the set, we just had these amazing sheets of foam (painted by Pam Goodwin on the right):
Next we had to haul up these buckets of concrete. Talk about a work out, and please excuse the blur, we were in motion.
Next we started putting it all together:
So that’s where we are right now. I really can’t wait until you can see the set with all of this fun stuff added:
Make sure you check back tomorrow! Carol will be adding more “LIVE” information from the week!
Thanks for the previews. I want to keep the LifeWay team in “prayer” as you prepare the sets and do the photoshoots.
I plan to prepare the great bearior reef and northern lights for our church (with the help of our Children’s Dept. & some of our youth).
I also plan to be at the Fort Worth training in January for hands-on learning opportunities.
When are the pics of the Craft room going to be posted? I am “dieing” to see them! ! !