Saturday Surprise. . . Working hard on 2012!
Hi Everyone! ! ! It feels weird not posting a Foto Friday. . .so weird that I wanted to post a brand new Saturday Surprise!
I heard this several times today in the office. . .”why is it when you have a short work week, it seems so long?”.
I’m not sure, maybe it’s because when you get back from a long weekend, and you have quite of bit of work, it’s hard to find a place to start. Well, that’s where I was earlier this week! So much to work on with the VBS 2012 theme, that I didn’t know where to start.
So I decided to start here. . .! lol!
I sorta think this picture is supposed to be a clue??? The folder on the desk says “Life Guard” with a cross beside it, but I can’t make out what’s below it. Shackles behind him by the calender and something that looks like a baby/child’s toy? To the left looks like a mouse and a few other things I really can’t make out. Monday can’t get here soon enough!
I think I see the VBS sampler bag in the bottom right corner. You see the words on the front of it in the mirror but I can’t make them out. There looks to be a little white prop plane on top of the bag. The bag is blue.
I love reading everyone’s comments! This week has been so exciting! ! ! Clue? maybe. . .
Sleepless in seattle…oh wait that would mean you were not sleeping…
i’m dreaming about this stuff now.
so i must admit that i think the theme is “mental illness: what crazy people do to normal people to make them think that they are crazy”…
rubber balls in a rubber room…
burning tvs and chattering teeth…
AHHHHH! just tell me!
Ok for my real thought. It looks like you are sleeping on a plane. Little pillow and a blanket that is small. That is usually my flying experience. I am stil thinking a VBS involving flying…maybe to canada?
So many ideas and thoughts going through my head!!! I keep going back and forth. Pretty sure these clues are making me crazy, lol. So excited for the great reveal on Monday!!
Iceland or Canada is my final guess. I can’t wait until Monday gets here!! 🙂
I think we’ll fly to South America for a great tropical adventure bouncing on back roads and trails.
seriously…. i think that we flying somewhere or several somewheres. could we be studying Paul? he had a close encounter and those shackles look to be about his size?
I am so confused! I see the logic in Seattle, but dont really think thats what it will be. Not Canada either.
Hmmm. Very perplexing. Come on, Monday!
oh yes… and keith, i like the silver pig.
I think I figured out what the bag says. I don’t know if it has anything to do with VBS 2012 or not. I think it says “Facts & Lies”! PLEASE tell me if I am correct!
I still think it’s an around the world theme… sorta like the Ramblin Road Trip, but exploring other countries, by going forth unto all nations – Matthew 28:19 could be the theme verse.
Donna, that bag actually says “Facts & Trends”. . .that’s my work camera bag. 😉
Susan, the silver pig? I don’t think I have a silver pig in my office! lol! I do have a bobble head ram on my windowsill. 🙂
Wait… isn’t that a silver pig on your Facts & Trends camera bag?? Next to the sheep’s head?
And, anyway, speaking of F&T … love that editor, PH. We were almost roommates in the Big Apple in January. And then she got left behind. :O)
and is that a light-up lollipop fan?
We LOVE Lifeway, especially the VBS themes. Have been doing them for as long as I can remember. This business of guessing next year’s theme is awesome. For some reason, I am feeling it’s an “North to Alaska” theme??? Chattering teeth….cold Sleeping ? well isn’t there 6 months up that way of no sun??? I would want to sleep a lot then myself. However this could be JUST the opposite…. ? Rubber comes from a tropical tree in the Amazon Rain Forest. We need MORE clues
I don’t know why ,but for some reason I think it’s a circus theme or amusement park theme. I love impossible clues ,but i miss donny. I’m so glad they don’t tell you flat out that would be no fun ,its like a mystery.
I got it! It’s a 50’s diner theme! The savings clip were “$50” dollar bills, the volcano was a soda fountain, the balls were candy, the food is diner food!
Spent some time this evening reading all of the comments for the week. More than a handful of you have gotten the ball in the park and one of you has a third-base hit!
I think I agree with Leigh Ann. Nothing made any sense until I read her post. I went back and watched Super Ball again and the music does have a 50’s rock & roll beat. I guess we’ll know soon!
im gonna say… Trip to the Rainforest?
there was “the TRIP”
“Superballs” made from rainforest plants
“savings” money to fly there (also the airflight sleep pose in today’s post)
“keep you eyes PEELED” bannannas
“family photo” a jungle trip…
anyone get what i’m saying??? 🙂 i got it right.
I’m just busting to say this! our family just found out on friday about the impossible clues and we have been watching the videos to death. so we think it’s a trip around the the world or the seven natural wonders. for exsapmle the video of the lady that falls with coffee. the man says her name isn’t grace but it could be victoria. victoria falls!!! antother one close encounter with the spegehitti could be in italy!!! can’t wait for tomarrow!!!
I would have to agree with Livy!:)When you watch the video of the lady with the coffee that falls, if you pause it just at the right second you can tell that her name tag says Victoria on it. Check it out! What are the Seven Natural Wonders of the World? Aurora Borealis, the Grand Canyon, Paricutin(a volcano, Victoria Falls, Mount Everest, Great Barrier Reef, and the Harbor of Rio de Janeiro. I think they will be using different types of transportation such as; aiplane, boat, submarine, etc. Discovering God’s WONDERFUL creation!!! 🙂
My guess in addition to the “amazing grace” guess is maybe a Mission: POSSIBLE theme?
I think maybe a movie theme
Looks like we are going to Hawaii for some Expedition
around the vocanoes, clifs, and beach. Flying around the islands would be great.
I think maybe a New Orleans theme or maybe a cruise ship theme.
ok Keith… seriously … isn’t that a pig?… :O)
The silver thing in the bottom right of the photo? That’s an early early prototype for the small inflatable. 😉
I know pigs fly… but, if not a pig, what is the small inflatable? And for that matter, what is the large inflatable? Do tell, please… :O)
Susan. . .keep your eye out! A Foto Friday may give you the answers! 😛
you are such a tease… :O)