Free Videos to Get Your Kids Going!
This guest blog is written by Jeremy Echols who normally spends time preparing for CentriKid Camps and writing for
CentriKid Campshas an awesome Production Team to develop creative videos and camp elements to engage kids at camp. This year we were able to share one of our characters called Flash Generations with everybody at VBS to utilize in their sessions to get kids ready and get excited!
Flash is a great guy who is pretty fanatical about working out and he really loves to get kids pumped up! He helped kids wake up at CentriKid, and I’m sure he’ll be a big hit with your kids at VBS!
Go over to the Flash Generation page on the CentriKid site to download all 4 of the Flash Generation videos for your VBS event.
If you haven’t ever been to a CentriKid Camp, we would love to have you be our guest for a day at camp. All you have to do is let us know that you are coming! You will get a FREE preview of camp and a tour of campus. See all our dates & camp locations online and email me at [email protected] if you are interested.
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