Sharing is Fun!
Don’t you love decorating for VBS? Some churches go all out and others want to, but can’t due to various circumstances. Some churches have more resources available for decorating, but then they have nowhere to store all of these great decorations once VBS is over. So, what’s the solution? Share your decorations with another church in your community.
My church has done this for many years and it’s a great way to minister and connect with other churches in your community. Our VBS is at the beginning of June, and one of the smaller churches in our area doesn’t have theirs until the end of June so it works perfectly. As we take down our decorations we try and salvage anything we can. Not only do we share the decorations we have made, but also any that we have bought like the VBS 2012 QuickScene Visual Pack, the VBS 2012 QuickScene Backdrops, and any other accessories. We also pass along any extra curriculum that we have.
Sharing your VBS resources helps other churches be able to provide a great experience for their children that they could not have provided on their own. It also helps a church be better stewards of their time and money. Instead of throwing out things that can still be used, you are passing them on. Who knows what the church you pass them to will do? They can also share them with other churches and your decorations may be traveling all over town this summer.
I’m trying to find the lyrics or Music to the 2000 Ocean Odyssey song “Rock Bottom”. Does anyone know the verses? I would be happy to purchase the old soundtrack- I need it for a mission trip.
We would love to share our decorations and will be having an early VBS-June 6-10th in the Denver CO area. Usually there is a forum to advertise to local churches close by but I didn’t find one. Is there a resource already to get the word out of decorations available to pass along?
you can fin rock bottom in the club vbs material for 2011