5 Things You Need to Know About VBS Crafts
Okay, I admit it–there are those of us who consider ourselves crafty and those of us who run from a glue stick and craft foam like it’s the plague. So what do you really need to know about VBS crafts that will calm the pounding in your chest and dry up your sweaty palms? I’ve compiled a short top 5 list based on questions that I have been asked by many of you. So here they are in no particular order.
- All craft ideas provided in the leader guide are just that—ideas! Feel free to adapt, modify, change, or use them as a springboard to another idea. After all who knows your church, the kids you will teach, and the resources you have available better than you?
- The crafts options given are tested with real kids. However having said that there is no way to accurately represent all the kids you may encounter during your VBS sessions. Sometimes one activity will work better with one group of kids than it will with another . Be prepared to step back and punt if necessary.
- Having all your materials prepared and within reach ahead of time is a lifesaver. I like to put all the necessary materials in individual zip-lock bags ahead of time so that as the children enter, I can hand them a bag and let them remove each supply when it is called for. Kids can also put their completed craft back in the bag to carry home.
- Substitute, substitute, substitute! While testing the crafts we try to buy supplies that should be available locally at stores like Hobby Lobby, WalMart, Michaels, etc. But what happens when you can not find the required materials in your neck of the woods? Don’t be afraid to substitute. Look around for everyday items that you may have at home or church that can do the trick.
- Above all else remember that no matter what craft you choose, reinforcing the Bible study should be the main focus during your rotation. Kids are great at multi-tasking, they can answer questions, listen to you summarize the Bible story, and complete their crafts all at the same time. I generally start every rotation with the Connection Points provided in the leader guide before I ever start on the actual craft. This generally takes 2-3 minutes and settles the kids as they enter the room. As the kids work, I have them repeat the Bible verse or talk about the life application statement.
Love what you’ve done!!! Keep up the great work!