Can't get it out of my head. . .
So while I was driving to work this morning, all of a sudden I found myself singing “We Believe” from Ramblin’ Road Trip. Out of the blue that was the song that came into my head! Out of all of the VBS themes that I’ve been involved in (I started working on VBS at Lifeway in 2003, but did VBS in my church for years before that) that is the song that I can identify as my favorite VBS song. What’s your favorite VBS song? Which one is the one that you can’t get out of your head? Are they the same?? There are a couple of songs from VBS 2010 (which you guys will hear very soon) that I can’t get out of my head!
Big kudos to Jeff Slaughter for writing the songs that make the whole (VBS) world sing 🙂
We believe is in my ipod right now….We believe that Jesus is real… I love that song…also One from two years ago and “Sign Me Up”. my boys really liked the sports theme (although they don’t play any.)…but
We believe and One are my favorites…
Becky–That’s one of my favs too! On family night I was in tears listening to our kids sing that song testifying to their parents. And that key change always gives me goosebumps.
~ Annica
I love those too…and I have to say that Because from this year has moved way up. However The Word from last year really changed my heart along with the kids. I had to examine whether I really did love The Word and whether I was living that way and teaching that to our children. We still sing it in children’s church to remind us to treasure God’s Word and its power for salvation!
I have to admit that the Wiki Wiki song last year was a big with the kids and teachers. And I was a little disappointed that the ABC song this year wasn’t as “up-beat”. But, last night when I was watching the kids sing Because and do the motions with Jeff on the video, it almost brought me to tears. That song has really grown on me. And the setting, along with the daily DVD portion in Israel, has really made it real to the kids. Kudos, Lifeway and Jeff. (By the way, we’ve already had 3 precious children make decisions for Jesus, and we’ve still got 2 more nights to go!)
“We Believe” is a great song and I love that it made its way to the Worship KidStyle rotation. I love “Because” as well and hearing Jeff explain how he felt led to make it the ballad in this years VBS gives special meaning to it when you see it shot on scene with the tomb and the on the Sea of Galilee.
I’m Workin’ on My Serve from Boomerang Express! I love that song! I was caught dancing on the church camera and everyone was laughing! It was humiliating but at least I’m known by EVERYONE in church now! =]]
OMgoodness! Wow….I’ve been helping out with VBS for 4 years and I love all the songs but, I have a few that i absolutely love and it’s the Saddle Ridge Ranch, Boomerang Express, & Workin on my Serve. Those songs are awesome!
May I suggest a VBS rehab for crazy folks like us who blog and think VBS 12 months out of the year?! :o)
As far as songs I can’t get out of my head… “The Word” from last year still rolls through my mind. It was such a convicting song for me. However I have to say Jeff totally outdid himself with Boomerang Express songs this year. I will confess that I usually really dislike the ABC song because it feels like the lyrics are forced, but this year the ABC song was AWESOME! One of my favorites of all time! I also wake up many mornings with “This is Why” on my mind… what a great way to start your day! Keep ’em coming, Jeff!! You’re awesome!
Does anyone remember the name of the vbs song that goes we pray 4 eachother brother and sister hand and hand in the body of christ and wut theme
I think the song you are talking about is “One” from Game Day Central, which was VBS 2007. . .
I have two. The first is Like Jesus. The second is Tumbleweed. Both are from VBS 2010.
I am looking for the ABC song that was a VBS song approx. 8 – 10 years ago. I think we had a rodeo theme that year also. It was “Ah, Ah, Ah, A Admit to God you are a sinner, Buh, Buh, Buh B Believe that Jesus is God’s only Son” etc. Does anyone know where I could get the music to that? I teach an after school program weekly and also GA’s and would love to have it.
I am looking for that son title too, we wore sunglasses and it was like a rocky roll beat:
a a a A admit to God that you are a sinner
b b b Believe that Jesus is God’s only son
commit your life to the Lord above,
ask him to fill you up with his love!
Wow – I sing the first verse and then don’t know the rest, so glad I am not the only adult that still sings VBS songs!!
Does anyone know where I can get the motions for the songs like We Believe and I Will Thank You in Everything from Ramblin Road Trip VBS 2005.
I am looking for the ABC song that was a VBS song approx. 8 – 10 years ago. It was “Ah, Ah, Ah, A Admit to God you are a sinner, Buh, Buh, Buh B Believe that Jesus is God’s only Son” etc. Does anyone know where I could get the music to that?
I’m trying to find WE BELIEVE on youtube for one of my VBS students and I can’t seem to find it. Any help?
I love the VBS song from like 2-10 years ago. I may not teach after school programs and stuff like that but i sure would like to know where i could get the song cuz they are just so hard to get out of your head sometimes.Also i wouldlove to have memories of those years, singing and dancing to the songs. Even though my church has the videos from those passed years locked up some where i would not be able to find them. for me those were the best years, but keep ’em commin Jeff you do an amazing job.!!!!!!
I’m trying to find the music to the the ABC VBS song that was probably 12 – 14 years ago. The lyrics were “Ah, Ah, Ah, Admit to God you are a sinner, Buh, Buh, Buh Believe that Jesus is God’s only Son, Cuh, Cuh, Cuh, Confess that …” It was such a catchy tune and the kids loved it. Anyone know where to find it?
Did you figure out the name and music to this we are doing a all aboard the Jesus train this year and I remember this song when I was younger please help if you can
Looking for the words to the 10 commandment song —
I will have no other God’s no other gods before you…
And after the 5Th commandment
you say
Whew half way there
Here you go, Sydney: