VBS 2010 Theme Search
You have to check out Donny’s blog – he’s trying to figure out the VBS 2010 theme. There are even some clues in the videos he’s posting . . .
Well, I’ll just go ahead and post his video here – but you need to check out his blog.
I can’t wait to find out next year’s theme. Thanks Lifeway for making the waiting more fun.
Loved the video. Twice I saw the cowboy idea in the video. Once with Donny in a cowboy hat and the card on the vbs guy’s desk that said Rodeo Roundup. Oh I also forgot about the third clue on the vbs guy’s computer screen that looked like a branding iron logo ‘S’ with two r’s (i.e. Rodeo RoundUp)? Just a guess. Great teaser video. Can’t wait to see the next one.
I think its a COWBOY theme as well. Even before the video I figured it would either be a safari or a cowboy/ranch theme. I too noticed (along with everyone else) the cowboy hat, and then the brands on the computer sceen, but I missed the card on the desk that said rodeo round up. I’ll have to go back and watch again. My bet is we’re headin’ to the farm!
Must be the computer I’m on because there is no video! This is killing me: all this talk about a video that I can’t see. I guess I’ll have to wait until I get on my home computer!!!
Great video teaser, I can’t wait for the next one. LifeWay is doing a great job connecting w/ social media. – great work!
My guess would be more like a computer or internet theme~ maybe even a detctive or PI searching for the TRUTH! ( the “I T guy” internet Creig was the only one that got passed the gaurd)
I can neither confirm nor deny that any of you are correct or incorrect with your guesses.
I have no idea… maybe we need to ask Mr. Jimmy Lifeway! :~) !!!
OK!!!! How about the blowup airplane/space shuttle over his right shoulder in the van? He is wearing pilot glasses. “He thought everyone likes cowboys” and by the brand on the computer….. And the 3D glasses on the walrus could be huge in a space theme!!!!! So, here is my guess 3D “space cowboys” or “space rangers”??? Huh?
Good Grief!!!! Never mind I forgot about VBS 2006 space quest!!!!!! Back to watching this video AGAIN 🙂 Just praying it’s not France, but that comment on “something more sophisticated” has me concerned!
I was also thinking western. However… France could be on the right track also. The picture of the Eiffel Tower on the wall, Tony and Winston are names of famous Brits and Manchester (Winston Manchester) is in England. Possibly a European theme? Whatever it is – it will be great!!
i was wondering what the “symbols” on the puter screen mean? I’m wondering about china?
Can’t wait for the BIG announcement! I WISH they would release the theme sooner. Our VBS ran last week, June 8th and we had a high attendance day of 2227!!!! Would have been great to a “tease” them with next years theme along with the theme song! Just a thought LIFEWAY!!! I understand the competition with other companies BUT WE WOULD LOVE to promote at our VBS 2010! Just a note…I too think it’s cowboy theme, there hasn’t been the large scale VBS with a cowboy theme!
Rodeo Roundup was used in 1998, because we still have the music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wasn’t Club VBS this year a ranch cowboy theme: Catus Canyon?
Also, Winston Manchester is the real name of a Marvel comic character called Skyhawk. hmmm.
I think the theme is “Southwestern Rodeo Roundup”
I to wish the theme for next year would be announced a little sooner. When we’ve had it in the past, we’d include it in our family night bulleting along with the dates. Some people actually kept those things on their refrigerator for a whole year to make sure they didn’t plan a family vacation over VBS. We can still do the dates. It’d just be nice to have the VBS Logo too.
Anybody else notice that his “cowboy” character had an Aussie accent? And there was a kangaroo standee in the hallway? And the digeridoo in the wall? And the giant boomerang?? Anybody else see a pattern here?!
I’m betting 2010 is going ‘Down Undah, Mate’!
“I’m betting 2010 is going ‘Down Undah, Mate’!”
Ummm…Boomerang Express is this year’s theme.
Gary: Actually, I think by announcing it at SBC, we have pushed up the announcement time earlier.
Alicia: Yes, the VBS standup in our hallway is the current theme. Not next year’s.
Bridget: Hmm… I think “Donnie” merely has a nest full of leftover stuff from previous VBSs. Keeps ya guessin’! ;o)
Brandon: That was 1997, actually.
Here’s the history of VBS themes:
1997’s was the first of the redesign: Good News Stampede
StarQuest: 1998
Mt. Extreme: 1999
Ocean Odyssey: 2000
Truth Trackers: 2001
Amazon Outfitters: 2002
Kingdom Caper: 2003
Rickshaw Rally: 2004
Ramblin’ Road Trip: 2005 (Club VBS: Beach Blast — first year we offered Club VBS)
Arctic Edge: 2006 (Club VBS: Space Quest)
Game Day Central: 2007 (Club VBS: Jungle Jaunt)
Outrigger Island: 2008 (Club VBS: Cactus Canyon)
Boomerang Express: 2009 (Club VBS: Truth Trek)
2010 — announcements coming soon!!
Ms. Becky Loyd, great job with the videos! =)
Thanks Andrea-Elena! The announcement is a little later this year than in the previous few because of when the Annual SBC Meeting is held. Next year, the SBC is on June 15-16, so we will announce the Monday of that week, which will be Monday, June 14, 2010.
You’re welcome, Becky!
Ah, now I remember why I was thinking the announcements come earlier than they used to. I think years ago we waited till National Preschool-Children’s Convention (now known as LifeWay Kids Conference) to announce the new theme. I’m glad folks are excited enough that they want the theme even earlier, hence the timing of it with SBC.
OK, carry on, y’all, with your guessing. It’s fun to watch! =)
There are some samplers on LifeWay for 2010 VBS available in December called Saddle Ridge Ranch. No pictures, though.
We work with Ocean Odyssey on 2002 in our Childrens church and this new generation don’t knew the blessing of this VBS. We want to know if you have the music for this VBS.
Thank you and blessings.
Angie Maldonado
Children Pastor
Iglesia Infantil Sembradores
Puerto Rico