LifeBox Missions Action Project Video
The mission action project in Boomerang Express VBS this year is called LifeBox. This project began a few years ago when a military captain contacted Lifeway Christian Resources about providing Christian magazines and devotional materials to our military personnel. Kids will have the chance to collect items to send to US soldiers during the week of VBS.
Here’s a video of a soldier who received a LifeBox:
To download this video for use in your church, go to the link below and right-click on the green arrow that says download. If you choose “Save Link As” you can save the video to your computer.
For more info on LifeBox, visit
I would like to download the link, from You Tube, US Solder receives Lifebox. It has no picture to it, it saids error has occured, try later. Will it continue to work?
You’ll need to click on the link in the post (the one that says in order to download the video.
Once you click on that link, there will be a green arrow at the bottom right hand corner of the page that you can right-click on (if you are using a PC) and choose “Save Link As.” I just checked and the link seems to be working now.
You Tube only allows people to view the video, not download it.