Enter the VBS 2008 Photo Contest
Facts & Trends Online is inviting churches and individuals to submit photos for the 2008 VBS Photo Contest. This year, you get to help select the winning photo! But first things first, we need your submissions.
E-mail your best VBS 2008 shots to Facts&[email protected] by Friday, Aug. 1. Submissions received after this deadline or that do not meet the following criteria will not be eligible for the contest. Criteria are:
* 300 dpi
* JPEG format
* Sent as an attachment to the email, not embedded in the email
* No more than three photos per church
* Must include church name, city and state
* Must include at least one child in the photo
* Must feature one of the 2008 Lifeway VBS themes – Outrigger Island or Cactus Canyon
Facts & Trends Online staff will narrow the submissions to the top 30 photos, but you will determine the ultimate winner.
Beginning Monday, Aug. 4, visit Facts & Trends Online every Monday throughout the month to vote for your favorite photo for that week. During the first week of September, Facts & Trends Online will feature the winning photo from each week’s contest. Your votes during that week will decide the Grand Prize winner!
The winning photo will be featured in Facts & Trends magazine and the church will receive a 2009 VBS Sampler Kit.
Remember, deadline for submissions is Friday, Aug. 1, and all photos must fulfill the contest criteria.
Please note: Because photos will post online, the church must notify parents or legal guardians of minors photographed to ensure consent before submitting photos.
NOTE #2: Please send your photos as ATTACHMENTS. Do not embed them in the email. Photos that are embedded in the email cannot be used.
Good Luck!
Good explanation. I enjoy read it Marcy Lu