Babies–2s Overview
Zoom in on teaching resources crafted for infants through 2-year-olds. We’ll take a closer look at the Bible content, music, and fun activities that will engage even the youngest preschoolers.
Preschool Overview
An introduction to Bible teaching for 3s–Kindergarten (rising 1st graders). This session will be applicable whether you are teaching the 3s–Pre-K or Kindergarten resources.
Magnify the VBS 2025 3s–Kindergarten Rotation Pack
Come join us as we take a closer look at Preschool Rotations! You’ll have a first-hand experience with music, missions, crafts, and recreation activities designed specifically for preschoolers.
Grades 1–2 Overview
An introduction to the Bible study resources for 1st–2nd graders.
Grades 3–4 Overview
An introduction to the Bible study resources for 3rd–4th graders.
VBX (Grades 5–6) Overview
An introduction to the Bible study resources for 5th–6th graders.
VBX Extras
An overview of the stand-alone crafts and recreation ideas created exclusively for preteens (Grades 5–6).
Multi-age Bible Study Overview
Prefer a multi-age (broadly-graded) format? This session will introduce you to the resources in the Multi-age Starter Kit for both preschool and Grades 1–6.
Snack & Recreation Rotation Overview
An introduction to the Grades 1–6 recreation rotation resources and snack ideas for all ages. Come play games and taste and see themed snacks to keep your crew energized during VBS. This session will also cover preschool- and allergy-friendly snacks as well as easy, prepackaged snack suggestions.
Missions Rotation Overview
An introduction to the Grades 1–6 missions rotation resources.
Music & Motions
Learn the daily VBS songs and motions for Grades 1–6 with our VBS choreographer.
Crafts Rotation Overview
An introduction to the Grades 1–6 crafts rotation and craft pack resources.
Backyard Kids Club Overview
An introduction to the Backyard Kids Club resources for 2025. Learn how to conduct a successful backyard or neighborhood VBS.
Student & Adult VBS Overview
VBS is not just for the kiddos! Let’s investigate how to expand your reach to include teaching middle and high schoolers and adults of all ages in VBS.
Student & Adult VBS Extras
Come and learn how to adapt your VBS rotations to reach both students and adults for a dynamic VBS for all ages! We will explore missions, crafts, recreation, snacks, and even explore some out-of-the-box opportunities to reach middle schoolers through adulthood.
VBS Directors Overview
Tips for new and experienced VBS directors plus an introduction to the VBS 2025 Administrative Guide.
Leading a Child to Christ
Vacation Bible School is a powerful opportunity to share the message of Jesus with children in a fun and engaging environment. This session will provide practical insights and strategies for leading a child to Christ during VBS, with a focus on creating meaningful, age-appropriate gospel presentations. Discover ways to foster conversations based on their spiritual development and ensure follow-up support for children who make decisions to follow Christ.
Decorating: Make a Big Impression on a Small Budget
Decorations for Magnified! VBS do not have to make a big impact on your budget in order to look great and bring the theme to life. Come get cost effective ideas to inspire your decorating team.
Magnified Impact: Celebrating Those Who Serve
This breakout will focus on the importance of honoring those who serve in VBS. Let’s discuss the benefits of showing appreciation and leave with theme-related ideas to recognize volunteers’ vital contributions.
Magnify ALL Learners: Teaching Tips & Tricks
More and more children with special needs are in our VBS classes. But did you know that kids learn whether they have a disability or not? If we are intentional about how we teach, learners will learn! This breakout will zoom into teaching tips and tricks to help your classroom succeed no matter the learners you have.
What to Expect When You’re NOT Expecting
VBS often brings unexpected challenges. This session aims to help ministry leaders and volunteers plan for the unexpected. Come discover how to take control of your classroom. From intake forms, to challenging behaviors, and crowded classrooms, we will help you tackle the smallest of things to make room for the bigness of God to work at VBS.
Magnify the Why!
Everyone needs to know WHY we do VBS—your pastor, volunteers, parents, kids, community and YOU! When we magnify “the why” people are more passionate, more willing to serve, quicker to give to the cause, more intentional, have more fun, and get to see God’s bigness in the details. Walk away with a strategy to tell the world WHY YOU ARE DOING VBS & discover the difference a why can make!
Discover the Bigness of God for Yourself
Teaching children God’s Word begins with YOU! Learn how to closely look at the details of God’s amazing Word to be ready to magnify and proclaim the greatness of God. Learn a strategy to study, meditate, and prepare your heart to teach each day of VBS.
Magnify God’s Word in VBS
This breakout will provide tips and tools to bring the Bible to life for children. You’ll discover small changes to make the Bible a BIG deal in your VBS.
Zoom In on Volunteers
From recruitment to retention, let’s focus on the people that make VBS happen. This breakout will take a close look at strategies for building and maintaining a healthy team.
Guiding Behavior
Have you ever struggled with behavioral issues at VBS? This breakout will equip leaders with practical tools and strategies for managing group dynamics, redirecting challenging behaviors, and fostering an atmosphere of positive behavior for a top notch VBS experience for everyone.
VBS Outside the Box
Sometimes a shift in leadership, budget cuts, calendar conflicts, or limited space, can be cause for discussion to hit the pause button on VBS. Rather than hitting the pause button on VBS, think outside the box for intentionally innovative ways to make VBS happen.
It’s No SMALL Thing: Connecting with Parents
Connecting with parents is a BIG deal in your kid’s ministry. In this breakout, we will explore creative ways to help you reach the parents of your VBS kids (and kid’s ministry as a whole). When we reach our parents, we will MAGNIFY our impact to kids!
See the Big Picture: How to Help the Outsider Become an Insider
You got people in the door—great! Now what? In this session we’ll talk about effective follow-up strategies to help connect with prospects before, during, and after Magnified! VBS.
Safe and Secure: Building a Foundation of Trust at VBS
Safety is a top priority at Vacation Bible School! This breakout session will dive into practical steps to ensure a secure and welcoming environment for everyone. We’ll cover best practices for child protection, emergency preparedness, and building a culture of vigilance. From background checks and first aid procedures to managing pick-up/drop-off logistics, this session equips you with tools to create a safe, nurturing space where kids can learn and grow in their faith.
Magnify Your Training for Leaders
We know training our leaders is important. But how do we lead training and what needs to be included? This session will zoom in on tips for planning and leading successful training.
Conociendo a los Preescolares
En esta sesión se compartirá información útil para entender mejor cómo piensan y actúan los preescolares. Además, obtendrá algunas sugerencias para trabajar con ellos de una manera amena y divertida, así como algunas ideas para organizar el contenido de acuerdo al espacio disponible.
Los Escolares y la EBV
Esta es la sesión para ayudar a cómo diferenciar el contenido de los escolares de acuerdo a las edades. Además, conocerá un poco más de cerca cada una de las rotaciones, organizando todos los recursos necesarios.
Involucrando a los Jóvenes en la EBV
Si le gustaría atraer a los jóvenes a participar en la EBV, esta sesión es para usted. Aquí conversaremos sobre las lecciones y estrategias sugeridas para hacer las clases más interesantes y además daremos un vistazo a las manualidades.
Aprendiendo con los Adultos
Se sorprenderá al ver a los adultos aprendiendo y divirtiéndose mientras conocen más de Dios y Su Palabra. En esta sesión aprenderá estrategias para que toda la familia pueda compartir en casa lo aprendido en la EBV.