VBS promotion
Reaching Families Through VBS Part 1
VBS and similar events open doors for unchurched kids to connect with the church, and if we are intentional about doing so, they will also open doors to connect with their parents. Each January Lifeway conducts VBS Previews in North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee. The following tips for reaching families through VBS were generated by…
10 Questions to Ask About Your VBS Promotion
Does the message focus on how VBS will benefit families or the community? Are the graphics appropriate and related to the VBS theme? Is there a dominate focal point? Does it compliment the reading experience or distract from the message? Is the copy easy to read? Does the copy project a quality event? Is all…
Monday Morning Checklist – Meet with Promotion Team
Is it ever too early to begin promoting VBS? Good question, but of course there is no simple answer. VBS promotion (or publicity) is best when released in waves. With each wave the amount of information provided expands along with the target audience. Here’s an example: Wave 1 announces the date and time to the…
Ideas for Promoting VBS
I think everyone would agree promoting VBS is one of the most important aspects of planning for the big week, so it is important to consider these ideas for maximizing efforts and the budget. Identify the target audience (for example, mothers of elementary aged kids) and promote specifically to them. Identify where kids and families…
Advice from the Experts: Taking Your VBS to the Next Level
The best VBS leaders are learners, and the best learners enjoy sharing with others what they have learned through trial and error. Today’s advice comes from Jori Abbott and Lynne Luther, co-directors, First Baptist Church, Hendersonville, Tennessee. Start planning early – December/January for a summer VBS. Set important dates and deadlines, confirm your budget, recruit…