VBS follow up
Connection Points: Greeters
Greeters are a wonderful addition to the VBS team, especially when we train them to be connectors in addition to greeters. Think of the typical Sunday morning greeter. His or her job is to open the door, say a word of greeting, distribute bulletins, and possibly help people find the appropriate classrooms or a seat…
Connection Points: Registration Team
Making continued connections and building relationships is the responsibility of the entire congregation. Connecting with unchurched families requires people from every age group and every area of ministry. While the kids ministry is needed to connect with kids, the adult ministry is needed to connect with the parents and grandparents. Making these connections may begin…
Connection Points: Starts with Intentionality
Several years ago Lifeway’s VBS team surveyed 3,000 VBS leaders from across the Nation. We wanted to know what aspect of VBS is the most challenging and what leaders need the most help accomplishing. We expected to receive a variety of answers – church support, worker enlistment, finances, and space to name a few. As…
Monday Morning Checklist – Plan for Continued Connections
Whoa! You mean we need to start planning for follow up before we get serious about planning VBS? Exactly! VBS follow up is in crisis. In fact, that is why the Lifeway VBS team has replaced the term with Continuing the Connection or Continued Connections, and it is why we say planning for continuing the…
From the Archives: Follow-Up Actions That Work
We asked VBS leaders from each state to tell us about follow-up actions that work. Here are a few of their suggestions: Enlist a Follow-up Leader at the same time you are enlisting other VBS team leaders and department directors. Include follow-up as a part of overall VBS planning and preparation, conveying at every opportunity…