VBS director
Kick It Off New York Style…
Summer is quickly approaching! No doubt, you are marking off your checklist as VBS gets closer and closer! Dates are on the calendar for your VBS Kickoff. Do you already have fun ideas planned? If not, consider the following 10 possibilities! VBS Eve Event—Play off a Times Square New Year’s Eve Countdown Complete with a…
Found It on the Forum
34 tips on VBS snacks
Ask local restaurants for ice. Write a formal request letter to secure donations for snacks. Look into becoming a summer lunch program site during VBS. Provide dinner every evening before VBS for the workers. Have members volunteer to bring dishes. Serve snacks outside for less clean-up. Offer a separate hospitality room for adults workers. Offer…
49 tips on VBS Communication
All kids and workers receive a card for attending VBS written by adults who attend adult VBS. Workers receive a thank you note each night from director. Utilize e-mail – it’s inexpensive and reliable. Also, use a phone line/tree. All teachers carry a cell phone so they can call the director if they have a…
50 tips on getting church members involved in VBS
1. Teach the congregation the VBS cheer on Sunday mornings. 2. Create non-teaching jobs to encourage the less outgoing members to participate. There is a job for everyone! 3. Place door greeters at every door to smile. 4. Have church members provide snacks. 5. Have Sunday School classes take turns providing meals each night. 6. …