LifeWay's VBS 2015
Journey Off the Map for Preschoolers and Kindergartners
VBS 2015 includes several Bible stories that are familiar to many preschoolers and preschool teachers. There are also two Bible stories which are being used for the first time in VBS with preschoolers. But before you shake your head and think “they’ve lost their minds,” take a second look at these two Bible stories. As…
A Brand New Look for Babies–2s
Did you know that Lifeway VBS is the ONLY publisher that provides foundational, gospel centric, biblically sound, and developmentally appropriate resources for all ages from the youngest infant to the oldest senior adult… and everyone in between! So no matter what ages you include in VBS, we’ve got you covered with excellent teaching plans—not just…
It's Time to Start Prepping for VBS 2015
Really? Start prepping now? It’s only October and the holidays are straight ahead. Exactly! October is a perfect time to begin preparation for VBS 2015. VBS 2014 is not yet a distant memory and the rush and crush of the holidays have not reached the all-consuming stage. It’s a great time to both express appreciation…
Who Should Attend VBS Preview?
From the Archives: Procedures for Worker Enlistment (Part 1)
Worker enlistment is often one of the most challenging aspects of planning VBS. While we wish for a quick and easy way to accomplish this task, the truth is, it takes work. As Lifeway’s VBS team celebrates 90 years of producing VBS curriculum, I’ve been searching through the files for tips that are just as…