Foto Friday. . .What is It? Revealed!
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VBS 2014 Day 3: Was Jesus' Death Real?
Decorating Monday
Who’s ready for another “Decorating Monday”? So far you’ve seen snippets of Worship Rally Headquarters, Bible Study at the Evidence Vault, Crafts at the Lab, and Snacks at the Break Room. Whew! That’s quite a workout! Speaking of workouts, how about we take a look at the site for rec during Agency D3—the Training Grounds….
You've got this covered.
It’s still September, but if you’re like me (type A), planning is already happening. I’m sure many of you have started thinking through ideas for next summer. Your list might look something like this: – Purchase VBS JumpStart Kit – Think through VBS leaders for 2014 – Ask ______ if she can help with decorating….