D3: Discover, Decide, Defend
Most of you reading this title for this blog post are probably thinking, “Wait a minute, where’s the Agency in D3?” No, I have not forgotten or even misprinted this title. D3 is the title for Student VBS in 2014. Yes, you read that correctly. Lifeway does have Student VBS curriculum, and in fact we…
Marooned Without a Compass Day
Who knew that there is day for being marooned without a compass? I love that we can find reasons to celebrate/honor odd days. I mean, who thought, “I know! November 6th should be Marooned Without a Compass Day”? Was it someone who had recently been marooned and rescued? Was it someone who had just finished…
Happy Fall, Y'all
Now Pinning. . .
Decorating tips, activities for special agents and more are now being pinned to Lifeway Kids on Pinterest. Investigate our Agency D3 board and discover tips and ideas to prepare you for VBS in 2014. It’s never too early to start planning and collecting items that you will need to make your VBS an exciting place for kids…