Increase Your Reach with Lifeway One Source
What are your plans to promote VBS to unchurched families in your community? Lifeway OneSource’s Prospect Services can help your church reach your community easily and purposefully. With Prospect Services, you can create customized invitation cards for your leaders and volunteers to distribute to their neighbors, friends, and coworkers. To promote your VBS on a larger scale, pair customized invitation postcards…
Make VBS Great for All Kids
By: Krista Storts Year after year, Vacation Bible School (VBS) continues to be one of the best outreach tools for churches. Kids from your community and beyond want something to do—especially in the summer! And parents of those kids NEED something for them to do! So, prayerfully, your VBS is filled with kids—kids with different…
VBS 2024 3s-Pre-K Leader Guide Page 28 Correction
Bible Learning Activity: Make A Card to Tell About Jesus. The following instructions will explain how to make the card from the templates: Copy and cut the templates labeled 15b and/or 15c. Fold a piece of construction paper or cardstock in half. Place the template on the folded paper with the straight edge (bold line)…
7 Distinctives of Lifeway VBS
By: Jeremy Carroll VBS brings life and energy to our churches in ways nothing else can. It’s fun for kids, families, volunteers, and the whole church! Through VBS, we hear conversations about Jesus happen in large groups, such as worship rally, and in smaller groups or one-on-one in crafts, recreation, missions, music, snacks, and even…
Celebrating VBS Past, Present, and Future
By: Rhonda VanCleave “Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your city gates.” Deuteronomy 11:19-20 Contributing to the spiritual growth of kids…