6 Ways to Include Your Pastor in VBS

Have you noticed how some pastors seem to have a hard time knowing how to fit in during the week of VBS? You can tell they want to be a part of the action, but they’re not sure what to do or where they should be.
Sometimes this is due to everyone receiving a specific assignment except for the pastor. After all, the pastor is just suppose to be the pastor right? True, the pastor does have a pastoral role in VBS. He is – or should be – the overall leader. However, there are great opportunities to use his skills in specific ways that makes him a vital part of the action.
- Extend the worship rally time and have him present the daily Bible story.
- Enlist him to greet and connect with families during registration, arrival, and dismissal.
- Enlist him to assist with recreation or crafts. Kids will love having the pastor interact in a way other than the typical pastoral role.
- Enlist him to participate in a Q&A session with preteens, teens, and adult classes. He could limit the subject to the Bible content of the week, or open the discussion to the subject of his or the participants’ choice.
- Enlist him to visit Bible study classes to present the gospel. He might work with teachers in advance to script the presentation so the teacher serves as an interviewer and the pastor responds to questions asked by the teacher.
- Enlist him to do something fun and unexpected during the week. It will be one of the most memorable aspects of the week for kids and workers alike.
Join the conversation: how do you make sure your pastor is part of the VBS action?
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