Rethink VBS Recruiting

The Lifeway VBS Community on Facebook is a community of support and a place to find helpful ideas and practical solutions for all things VBS.
We asked the group how they create opportunities for the church to find unique ways to serve at VBS.
Here is what they had to say:
- Show a video recap of last year during a worship service and remind everyone how much fun we had last year!
- Partner with your Student Ministry to include them in leading rec, worship, snacks, room helpers, greeters, or helping with the VBS family night.
- Encourage current volunteers near the end of VBS with “save my spot” sign-ups in the staff hospitality room/lounge.
- Follow up with volunteers at the end of VBS and give them the opportunity to give feedback and see if they would prefer to keep their role or make a change for next year.
- Ask your pastoral staff to highlight volunteering at VBS and share their personal experience with the congregation to help encourage both men and women of all ages to get involved.
- Build teams that don’t need to be there 100% of the time. Floater teams allow volunteers to help on days and times as available as assistants, transition leaders, greeters, and check-in helpers.
- Serving with friends is so much fun! Encourage regular volunteers to invite their friends to serve with them.
- Send a group text message to your volunteer team. Many will commit and confirm right away!
- Host a Family VBS, where families experience VBS together. Parents or grandparents take care of their kids at worship rally, rec, crafts, and join in for the Bible study rotation.
- Add a baby’s classroom so young parents can participate.
- Create a prayer coordinator position for a new mom or senior who wasn’t able to physically be in attendance.
If you are looking for a place to gather encouragement around recruiting, decorating, and leading VBS–you are invited! Join the VBS Facebook Community today!
I am always looking for ways to gather ideas on how to improve our VBS. My goal is to encourage, support and uplift our VBS team.