7 Reasons For Nurturing A VBS/Adult Ministry Partnership
From the archives:
Vacation Bible School is typically considered to be the domain of kids ministry, but a wise VBS leader knows that to be successful a healthy partnership is needed between VBS and the adult ministry.
- Enlistment continues to be the number one issue for kids ministry, and the best place to find potential workers is in the adult ministry.
- VBS attracts thousands of unchurched families, and the most qualified people to connect with unchurched parents and grandparents are in the adult ministry.
- VBS needs prayer partners, and the most dedicated prayer warriors are usually found in the adult ministry.
- VBS requires funding, and the bulk of a church’s financial resources come from the adult ministry.
- VBS requires donations of snacks, craft supplies, and decorations, and the people most likely to donate are found in the adult ministry.
- VBS requires classroom space not typically used by the kids ministry, and that space is classrooms used by the adult ministry.
- VBS needs to be a church-wide ministry, and the only way that can happen is with the enthusiastic support of the adult ministry.
So how is the health of your VBS/adult ministry partnership?
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