Engage Families with the Lifeway VBS App
The Lifeway VBS app is a great way to bring VBS directly into the home—no matter whether your VBS will take place in-person, virtual, hybrid, in your backyard, or any way in between! The app contains family activities, games, Bible story summaries, and the VBS music (and motions) to engage parents and children alike.
And the best part is it doesn’t matter which theme you’re using. The Lifeway VBS app has you covered! Both Destination Dig and Concrete & Cranes are housed within the same app. Simply select the one that matches the VBS your church is doing this summer. (Note: There is a nominal fee of $2.99 to cover the royalties associated with providing VBS music within the app.)
Where can I find the new Lifeway VBS app?
If you previously purchased the Concrete & Cranes app, no worries! Just update the old app to the new Lifeway VBS app and all of your previously purchased content should still be there. You will not have to purchase the app again.
Otherwise, you can search for and download the app from your mobile device’s app store. Search for “Lifeway VBS” or use the links below:
Download for Apple devices HERE.
Download for Android devices HERE.
Can you tell me when or if the 2021 Destination Dig VBS app will be available for Samsung devices? I have a Galaxy Note 8 and it is unavailable.
Thank you,
We’re working to resolve the issues with the app developer. Hope to have good news for you soon!