Report Your VBS

But before you turn the page on Concrete & Cranes and look ahead to Destination Dig, would you please take 60 seconds to report your VBS? It’s more important than ever this year for us to learn what worked well and what didn’t. And we all need to be encouraged by how God has been at work through VBS this year! We’ve simplified the reporting process in the last two months, so please review these updated instructions.
Reports should NO LONGER be mailed to your state convention or submitted online at (If you’ve already mailed it in, that’s OK. There’s no need to resubmit.) All you have to do is go to and fill in each of the required fields. It should take no longer than 60 seconds. If you need a hard copy of the form to collect your attendance data in advance, you can download one HERE. (Note: The online form differs slightly from the downloadable version to reflect the unique circumstances of this summer.)
Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences with us!