An In-Depth Look at the Bible Stories for VBS 2020
Let’s dig in for a closer look at the Bible stories that will be taught during Lifeway’s VBS 2020: Concrete & Cranes. In studying five stories from the life of Jesus, kids will learn how they can build their lives on the sure foundation of Jesus’ love. It’s all about Christ and His gospel!
Day 1: Jesus Chose Matthew (Matthew 9:9-13)
Jesus called Matthew, a tax collector, to follow Him. Matthew left everything behind and followed Jesus. Matthew hosted a banquet. Jesus and His disciples came to the banquet. The Pharisees complained and questioned why Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners. Jesus told the Pharisees that He came not for the righteous but for sinners.
Day 2: Paul’s Redemption (Acts 26:1-29)
Paul was chosen by God to bring the good news about Jesus to the Gentiles. He was arrested and later taken to King Agrippa to tell his story. Paul told how he used to persecute believers. But one day, on the road to Damascus, he saw a bright light and heard a voice speaking to him. The voice was Jesus. Paul obeyed Jesus’ command and told people everywhere that Jesus is the Messiah.
Day 3: Jesus Prayed in the Garden (Matthew 26:36-46)
On the last night Jesus spent with His disciples, He went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He asked His disciples to remain awake and pray while He went further into the garden. Jesus was distressed because He knew He was going to die on the cross to save people from their sins. Jesus returned to the disciples three times and found them asleep each time. The last time He told the disciples to get up and follow Him. Jesus knew the time had come to follow through with God’s plan.
Day 4: Jesus’ Resurrection and Promise (Matthew 28:1-10,16-20)
On the Sunday after Jesus’ death, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James went to the tomb. When they arrived, they saw that the stone had been rolled away and an angel was sitting on it. The angel told the women that Jesus had risen. He instructed them to go tell the disciples to meet Jesus in Galilee. Later the disciples traveled to Galilee, where they saw Jesus. The disciples received instructions from Jesus and the promise that He would be with them always!
Day 5: Wise and Foolish Builders (Matthew 7:24-29)
Jesus told a parable about two builders. He said that everyone who heard His words and acted on them would be like the wise man who built his house on the rock. The house had a strong foundation and would stand against the wind and the rain. However, those who did not listen would be like the foolish builder who built his house on the sand. Once the wind and rains came, the house collapsed. If people listen and obey Jesus, they will have a strong foundation for whatever happens in their lives.
For more information about Concrete & Cranes, visit or check out THIS blog post.
Is the information available in Spanish yet?
Not yet. All of our curriculum (English and Spanish) will be available in December.
We just finished our VBS “In The Wild”, and it went great!!! Loved everything about it! LifeWay’s does a great job! Thank you! Kelly
Can you tell me who wrote the theme song and which artists are singing the song?
The writers are Paul Marino and Jeremy Johnson, who also wrote the In the Wild music.
Sure hoping there is a Preschool Worship Rally like there was for Wild! Our preschoolers loved it. It was perfect! Just the right length for their age. Also the preschool specific music was just perfect for them. Thank you for helping us make Preschool VBS a great experience for them and equipping us to show them the love of Christ!
So glad to hear that! It’s so important to tailor our teaching to the unique developmental & spiritual needs of younger learners … and nothing helps cement learning for life better than music. So we will continue to offer preschool-specific songs AND Preschool Worship Rally plans for Concrete & Cranes!
Can’t wait!
I love VBS and helping kids learn about Jesus, but is there any way Lifeway could change the dance moves to sign language in the next one? I miss teaching the kids something else worthwhile and I’d love to learn it with them.
Hi Claire! Thanks for using your gifts to help kids learn about Jesus! You will see more sign language incorporated into the motions for VBS 2020 and also “logical” motions that fit more logically with the text of the song. We do not use sign language exclusively because our goal is not to teach kids a new language (which is of course what sign language is) during VBS, but rather to engage their whole bodies in worship and in cementing the learning of Bible truths through song. As a global publisher, we’ve also found it difficult to settle on ONE “dialect” of sign language to use that is known the world over. So we’ve traditionally only used basic universal signs for names like “Jesus” and “God.” However, please feel free to change or adapt the motions to include as much sign language as you’d like. We strive to offer resources that are flexible enough that you can make them your own!
Where I can sing in for the event on Houston Tx to check the best rates
It’s on our website here:
For the group ratenon the preview in Sugarland Tx ij January 2020 is the group rate $65 for each person 4 or more.
Yes, that is the early bird group rate per person for registration through October 31st. On November 1st, the price per person will go up. For more information or to register, visit our event page:
This VBS of The Wild was my first ever. I’m new to having faith like this and jumped in with both feet. It was so much fun. I can’t wait for next year’s VBS.
Could you please tell me the Mission focus (Missionaries) for Lifeway’s VBS Concrete and Cranes 2020? Thanks!
During missions rotation this year you will meet Jorge Santiago, who serves as a missionary in Puerto Rico, and the Worthy Family serving in Arezzo, Italy.