It's Worth It
Anyone who thinks running Vacation Bible School is easy has never done it. Let’s be honest—it’s hard work! You may stay up all night to prep crafts, cook hundreds of hotdogs, or go all out transforming your church into a sports fanatic’s dream. You might work yourself to exhaustion to recruit and train teachers, and you might drive yourself nearly crazy with VBS songs that get stuck in your head. When the big week is finally finished, you may collapse in a VBS-induced coma. But you do it anyway.
You do it because it’s worth it. It’s worth the time. Worth the effort. Worth the investment.
VBS is more than just a week of fun. For many churches, it is the SINGLE MOST EVANGELISTIC OUTREACH EVENT OF THE YEAR. VBS opens the doors of your church to the community and reaches children and their families like nothing else. It connects the people of your church to your neighbors, and it deepens your connection to the kids and families who attend your church regularly.
It’s all about sharing the gospel and allowing the Holy Spirit to do His work. This is why we do VBS. This is what makes the long days and the late nights worthwhile. VBS is worth the time, the effort, and the investment. It’s worth it when relationships are developed, conversations about Jesus are had, seeds are planted, and hearts are transformed for eternity!
Do you know where these statistics are based? Just in case someone ask me. Thanks,
These are ministry results shared with us by Southern Baptist churches via the VBS Report Form.
Can we use this poster to promote VBS
Are these statistics based on just one year or a few years? Thinking about using this in our VBS training and I want to make sure I can answer that question 🙂
One year. These stats come from ministry results shared with us by churches who complete and return the “VBS Report Form” included in the Administrative Guide.
Hi Melita. I am Jenny from Sydney Australia. our church plan VBS this year. we want to using last vbs Galactic Starveyors. we want to do skit drama. I saw Weastren Avenue baptist Church skit dram in Youtube. I am just wandering How can I get that skit drama script. would you let me know? I post youtube address.
actually I left message to western Avenue baptist church facebook but they not answer. Please let me Know. we want to do that skit.
Thank you. Melita.
Sorry, Jenny, this appears to be a skit written by this particular church. It’s not one that we published in any of our curriculum.
Can you tell me how many churches reported using the VBS curriculum?
Over 25,000 churches reported their VBS to us for these stats.