Casting Call for VBS 2018!
Did you enjoy this year’s Worship Rally videos about Landon, his friends, and his astronaut dad? We thought they were out of this world! Have you ever wished you could actually be part of the Worship Rally drama videos? Well here’s your chance!
Please note that there is no compensation whatsoever for transportation or participation (though there will be some door prizes awarded). Advanced registration is required at
All ages are welcome! We need kids, parents, grandparents, families and friends of all ages. If you can get yourself to Nashville on July 8th, we can use you! See you there!
Do you hold auditions for the small dance team that makes the VBS music videos?
Thank you.
We do not hold auditions. Our current process includes our choreographer enlisting all of the dancers for us.
do you know where i could find the audition for the dance team ?
Unfortunately, we do not hold open auditions for dancers. Sorry!
Do you hold auditions for main roles, speaking parts? Is the audition on July 8 for extras only?
There is no audition on July 8 … it’s an open call for extras for a very important scene in the Worship Rally drama. Hope to see you there!
We could not be there today as my granddaughter was at camp all week, but we hope we can next year!! Do you hold auditions for speaking parts (if not for next year, then the following), or how is that handled?
Thanks so much!
Is there a rain out procedure for the filming? I requested off work and am traveling 8 hours to get there and the forecast is showing thunderstorms that day… Really hoping it doesn’t rain!
Make sure you have RSVPed at the website … Change Media will keep in touch with registrants via email prior to the shoot. They will notify everyone of any changes in plans or cancellations if necessary.