A Closer Look at the Bible Content for VBS 2018
Game On! is so much more than a sports theme. It’s about meeting people where they are (whether they are fans, band members, athletes, or anywhere in between) and equipping them for life—the big game. There’s an emphasis on discovering who we are in Jesus Christ, trusting Him as Savior and Lord, celebrating our salvation, and turning to the ultimate playbook—God’s Word—for every answer. For VBS 2018, the emphasis on salvation starts on Day 1 and continues all the way to Day 5. This Bible content also contains a special focus on using the Bible to find comfort and direction. Read on to learn more!
DAY 1: Jesus Cares About Me
Bible Story: The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)
This passage will serve to establish who Jesus is. As a parable, it begins with the basic starting point of acknowledging Jesus as Teacher, but quickly moving along to reveal that Jesus is so much more! Through this Bible story, kids will discover that they are valuable and important to God. He loves them more than anything. He wants sinners to repent and be brought to Him. (NOTE: Salvation emphasis starts on Day 1.)
DAY 2: Jesus Gives Me Hope
Bible Story: The Resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:1-44)
This Bible story sets up who Jesus is, what He can do because He is God’s Son (raise the dead), and what He will do for us (die, then live again). This passage also emphasizes the hope we have that we will one day be resurrected to live forever with Him. (NOTE: Strong evangelistic emphasis again on Day 2.)
DAY 3: Jesus Helps Me Believe
Bible Story: Thomas Believed (John 20:19-31)
This passage is somewhat of a “Part 2” of the Day 2 Bible story. On Day 2 we saw Jesus foreshadow His coming resurrection and now on Day 3, He’s done it and we’re privy to the aftermath. Thomas believes immediately upon seeing the risen Christ. This is an eyewitness account/first person testimony … a strong apologetic. We can believe because of this. (NOTE: Day 3 contains another strong salvation emphasis.)
DAY 4: Jesus Loves Me
Bible Story: John Wrote About Jesus (John 13:1-35; 19:25-27; 20:1-10; 21:1-14)
John refers to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” Because he experienced Jesus’ love in such strong and personal ways, John was sensitive to those words and actions of Jesus that illustrated how the One who is love loved others. This Bible story will encapsulate the personal story of John’s relationship with Jesus through four key events. John was loved by Jesus, was witness to Jesus’ acts of love (great and small), and wrote about God’s great love for us in his books. Kids can come to recognize the immense love Jesus has for them through the eyes of someone who experienced it firsthand. (NOTE: Day 4 provides the perfect opportunity to issue a call to respond to the gospel.)
- Last supper (John 13:1,34-35)
- Crucifixion (John 19:25-27)
- Seeing the empty tomb (John 20:1-10)
- Recognizing Jesus on the seashore (John 21:1-14)
DAY 5: Jesus Gives Me Joy
Bible Story: Paul and Silas in Prison (Acts 16:23-34)
Joy is different than happiness. It transcends circumstances and it comes from a source that is separate from ourselves (God). Paul and Silas could experience joy in the midst of a dark jail cell because they were tapped into the Source of all joy … and their response to adversity was praising God. Kids will discover that regardless of their circumstances, they can praise God/Jesus and experience joy!
What Bible version is being used for the memory verse 2018?
I am planning on making a wall hanging, and want to use the correct version.
We are using the brand new CSB (Christian Standard Bible) and KJV.
I am very interested in this theme for next year’s VBS at our church. In addition to he Bible Stories, we chose our theme based on the music. I LOVE the theme song! Do you have clips of the other music that will be on the Student’s CD?
More music clips will be available when the Game On! website launches this fall. Stay tuned!
Will the crafts be available in the fall also?
Yes! Everything will be available on Dec. 1.
How would the correct translation be in Spanish?
The tile is ¡A Jugar!
Will there be a music video DVD where kids can follow motions to the songs?
Yes, you’ll be able to find those videos on either the Worship Rally DVD Set or the DVD included in the Music Rotation Leader Guide. These will be available on Dec. 1.
What ages does the curriculum go through? Ages 2-adults?
Our curriculum uses the following age divisions: Babies (infants) through 2-year-olds, 3-year-olds through Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st–2nd grade, 3rd–4th grade, 5th–6th grade, Students (7th–12th grade), and Adults. Our Spanish VBS curriculum is broadly graded into two divisions–preschoolers and children. We also have curriculum for teaching children with special needs and adults with special needs.
What translation do you use for the preschool verse?
The preschool verse is actually a paraphrase … the meaning of the verse put into preschool-friendly language. But you may use the translation of your choice if you prefer to use the full text of the verse. Our graded curriculum uses the CSB and KJV translations.
What are the rotation titles for the classrooms, crafts, worship rally, etc.? Last year I thought it would specify in my leader guide, and when it didn’t, I couldn’t find them anywhere until I actually had all the signs and was decorating. It would be so much easier to plan if I knew ahead of time.
Pep Rally (Worship Rally)
Bible Study Field House
Team Crafts, Team Rec, Team Missions, Team Music, Team Snack
Do the different story days focus on any particular sports?
No, there are no specific sports for each day. In fact, we’re not focusing on any specific sports in order to allow you to incorporate the sports and activities that are most relatable to kids in your area. Don’t forget about the non-athletes. We’re including marching band members, cheerleaders, fans, coaches, trainers, Pep Squad, etc. Everyone has a place in Game On!
Do you get a choice between the KJV and the other or does it use both throughout?
You can choose whichever you prefer. The visuals are available in both (usually with CSB on one side and KJV on the other).
Is there a set of small posters that go with each bible story?
Yes! They’re in each age group’s leader pack.
Love Love Love that you have included the KJV this year!!!
There is a CD in the Leader Pack. That’s the one you want to use.
Is this still available for this year in the KJV? And are there both student and teacher books?
Game On! materials are no longer available, except through our Backyard Kids Club line. You can still get those materials (preschool & children’s Bible study and rotations, plus opening & closing rally times) here: https://vbs.lifeway.com/backyard-kids-club/