The Pastor Must Lead – 11 Things I Have Learned
As I wrote January 11 concerning the 11 things I have learned in my 11 years as your VBS partner, “You will not necessarily discover anything new or earth shattering – you have read it all in this blog before – but hopefully you will be reminded of some basic truths that we as VBS and church leaders can not afford to forget or overlook.”
A basic truth of VBS is the pastor must lead. Yet I continue to hear of pastors who choose to take vacation during the week of VBS. Not only do they miss being a witness to the transformation that takes place in so many lives during the week, they miss the opportunity to be pastor to the youngest members of the congregation and to the many unchurched families in attendance.
Pastors, VBS leaders need your leadership. They need to see that you value the time and commitment they are making to reach the community with the gospel of Jesus. VBS workers need to see that you are willing to get into the trenches with them, and like many of them, step out of your comfort zone to spend a week with kids. And the kids need you to show them you care for them just as much as you do adults.
Statistics repeatedly show we either reach a child with the gospel by the age of 12 or we have very little opportunity to do so. VBS is our best opportunity. Please don’t squander the opportunity.
The pastor must lead.
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