Introducing Galactic Starveyors VBS 2017
Discover the incredible mysteries of the final frontier—right from your own backyard. Your telescope becomes a portal through which you encounter amazing and wonderful things designed by a Creator who is even bigger than the vastness of His creation. But the most amazing wonder to be discovered truly boggles the mind. The God who created everything there is—the knowable and the unknowable, the visible and the invisible—wants a relationship with you! And from the very beginning, God had a plan to restore the relationship He knew we would break.
BIBLE VERSE: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For everything was created by Him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions
or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. Colossians 1:15-16
Session Title:
The Relationship Began
Bible Passage: Genesis 1:1-2,26-31; John 1:1,14
Bonus Verse: He is before all things, and by Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17
The Point: The God who created everything wants a relationship with us.
Session Title:
The Relationship Broken
Bible Passage: Genesis 3
Bonus Verse: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
The Point: Sin messed everything up, but God is still in control.
Session Title:
The Restoration Promised
Bible Passage: Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-24; Luke 2:22-38
Bonus Verse: The Word became flesh and took up residence among us. John 1:14a
The Point: God sent His Son, Jesus, to be the Savior of the world.
Session Title:
The Relationship Restored
Bible Passage: Mark 15:22–16:7
Bonus Verse: In Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them. 2 Corinthians 5:19a
The Point: Jesus gave His life to be my Savior.
Session Title:
The Relationship Continues
Bible Passage: John 21:1-19; Acts 1:4,8
Bonus Verse: But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit–the Father will send Him in My name–will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. John 14:26
The Point: Even though I mess up, God still loves me and will never leave me.
Ooooo, I like the Motto!
I love the 2017 VBS theme!!! Looking forward to next year!!!
Love it! Can’t wait to pre-order in Dec.
Oh my i cant wait thank you. Jesus
So excited! Ready to get started preparing
Can you please tell me what are the different rotations going to be? Thanks! Love the 2017 VBS theme!
Already looking forward to next year! I love the motto and the way the lessons tie together.
I recall a game my momma taught us when we were little; Who will see the first night’s star? I still like to play. What kiddo wouldn’t love to have their own little star gazing clubhouse? They’re going to love it! More than ever, kiddos need to learn early on the importance of and how to have a relationship with God. This will also help them to have positive and loving relationships with others.
Hope that this one goes as well as our Submerged did! It was great!
VBS Director Debbie
WE’re doing our VBS this week!! Loving the Submerged VBS! So excited and pleased with the kids learning and enjoying themselves. It got some of us already talking about next year… even thinking of things to do throughout summer to keep the kids coming. Anyways, we were wondering if you have any craft ideas set for 2017? Our craft teacher wanted to start planning.
Woohooo just finished Submerged last night this looks awesome.
Just finished Submerged. One of the best ever IMHO. Looking forward to Galactic Starvayers!
From the depths of the ocean to the cosmos! Love it!
Awesome! Can’t wait. Actually, we won’t. Starting dreaming, praying and preparing.
We have a great team at Terrill Road Baptist Church! We loved Submerged and we are looking forward to serving God in this way again next year! We just finished and it was a beautiful week! The Holy Spirit was with us, God was with us, Jesus led us!
Getting ready for VBS 2016 Sumerged at Monterrey First Baptist Church plus 4 more sites from Jul 3rd week to Aug 2nd week. Loved this year theme!Please, keep us in your prayings, asking for the Gospel be sowed in good ground (Mt 13:8). The honor and glory be to the Lord!
PS.- I love the 2017 theme. Looking for to serve the Lord next year in VBS. God Bless You!
Preparándonos para las EBV 2016 Sumergido en la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Monterrey incluyendo 4 sitos más a partir de la 3a semana de Julio hasta la 2da semana de Agosto. Por favor, manténganos en sus oraciones pidiendo porque el Evangelio sea sembrado en buena tierra (Mt 13:8) ¡La honra y gloria sean para el Señor!
PD.- Me encanta el tema del 2017. Buscando poder servir al Señor el próximo año en la EBV. Dios les Bendiga!
So looking forward to next year!
Looking forward to VBS,2017! Your characters are all white.You have a diversed population and this does not reflect it. Adam and Eve should have a mixed hue . I do not want the children and adults to have the idea that God made the Caucasian
Race first and others came after. Just a thought I wanted to give you.
Woo hoo! Submerged was a blessing as I know this will as well.
Prayers for remaining churches that will have VBS this summer.
I love the creator of the stars.
Looking forward to the Adult VBS materials. This will be the 23rd year at FBC Lake St. Louis.
Fabulous curriculum!! We need a planning meeting!!! POT LUCK!!!
Absolutely Love VBS!!! It’s such an exciting time for our church and the community. Tremendous opportunity to form and build relationships, impact our neighbors with the gospel and show them that GOD truly knows and loves us all. Our SUBMERGED VBS ended last week and (praise GOD) it was AmaZing!!! LORD willing, we will be ready to “go galactic” in 2017!!! Thanks, Lifeway.
Here in NC we are in the middle of our Special Needs Happiness Retreats – altogether about 723 special needs campers and their care givers. We are deeply “Submerged” in the VBS theme. Having a great time! Can’t wait to be Galactic Starveyors next year.
The children loved Submerged! One little boy said, “I love this place”! He was talking about our church and VBS! I love it when the children love church! We are looking forward to VBS 2017!
Totally loved Submerged at Immanuel Baptist Church in Compton, California. Over 20 years of VBS ministry working with an awesome team.
Please make crafts that actually relate to the Bible story for each day. Your kits are not affordable for 100 preschool kids each day. We need affordable options. Thanks!
Shirley, I hope you will check out the variety of craft ideas in both the Preschool Rotation Pack and the Grades 1-6 Craft Leader Guide. You will find multiple options including crafts that are specific to the Bible stories. The five or six craft packs produced each year are only a small sampling of the craft ideas we provide. You will also find craft ideas in VBX Leader Guide, Student VBS Leader Guide, and Adult VBS Leader Guide. Craft packs are designed as a convenience for VBS leaders who prefer one stop shopping and the convenience of having everything needed already sorted and in one place. Complete instructions for the same crafts are found in the Preschool Rotation Pack and Grades 1-6 Craft Leader Guide for leaders who prefer to purchase supplies in bulk.
Shirley, the instructions for every craft represented by a kit can also be found in the Crafts Leader Guide. Craft Packs are purely for convenience. Make sure you check out all the craft ideas found in Preschool Rotation Pack, Crafts Leader Guides (for Grades 1-6), Student Leader Guide, and Adult Leader Guide.
I love lifeway’s vbs! My only complaint is the last few years in the drama you have left out the gospel. I loved the older ones where someone is led to the Lord during the drama and especially when a child led another child to Christ. Please bring the gospel back that is what is all about.
This was my first year as VBS Director I loved Submerged we closed last night this morning our pastor used Day 5 Deeper Still as our alter call. We loved the music and Bible Stories. Ready for 2017!!!!
I wrote a skit for each night for submerged and offered it to anyone who would like to use it. I was overwhelmed with the response from people all over the country asking to use them. I was glad to share them and received very positive feedback. I have already started writing the skits for 2017. I will be glad to share these also. I had many to comment and wonder why the VBS curriculum does not offer skits.
Joyce, How can i get a hold of you to use your skits for this year (2017)? We are a very small church and would love to have you share your talents with us!
Can anyone tell me if this vbs program has idea for the opening and closing of everyday? The last one had skits but we don’t have enough staff to staff a skit. An older vbs program had cute opening videos for each day. Looking for that.
We do not have video openings. Have you thought about enlisting two kids to perform the skits? That would be a tremendous experience for the kids.
I am so excited about VBS. On last year i was a student. This year I have been ask to lead our vbs for 2017. I have no idea how to begin but i know with God all things are possible. I have no doubt that other christian believers can give suggestion on how to help me to help others learn more about God’s Word. I have scheduled. to travel to Forth Worth to attend a vbs conference at Travis Avenue Baptist Church. I would like to attend VBS in the Spring District to learn more information on how to begin,
When will the music videos be available
Music videos are available now on the VBS 2017 Worship Rally DVD. You can order a copy today!
I am looking for font samples to compliment the Galactic Starveyors fonts and the actual fonts used. Please help!
The word “Starveyors” is hand-drawn lettering. A font such as Origo or Manus could be used as an alternative.
“Oil Change” is used for the word “Galactic” in the logo and as headers throughout the curriculum.
“Londrina Solid” is used for the subtitle in the logo and as subtitles throughout the curriculum.
I attended the VBS Institute in North Fort Worth, Texas. The emphasis was clear, it’s not about the decorations. It’s all about people, little ones and big ones discovering Jesus in their lives.
I’m looking for a drama/skit for the opening and closing worship rally. Is there anything included and where can I find it?
Bethany H
The Worship Rally Guide includes opening and closing rally skits for each day of VBS. More skits are available in other products. You can find those here:
Do you know of how our school can purchase the Starveyor Worship Rally Pack including CD and Instructional Choreography DVD?
Where can I get this urban rooftop backdrop. We do cvs in NYC and that backdrop would relate to the children better.
It is on the DVD-ROM that is included in the Decorating Made Easy book. It is available as high res art so that you can have it printed on large formats. Here’s the link to the book:
Any suggestions on the different class names, such as Mission Controllers for the older, etc?
Could you please tell me how the name galactic starveyors came about? My kiddos would like to know. They’ve seen the promotions we’ve put up at church and are really wondering about this.
Starveyors is a made up word that means “people who survey (study or look at) the stars.” As we see the massive, expansive universe, we want to know more about the One who made it. And the more we learn about God, the more overwhelming is the fact that out of everything in the universe He created, He wants a personal relationship with us. So the title points to the Bible content direction for VBS.
Hello galactic surveyor people well I have a good question for you do you know what Holman means by any chance
Holman is a last name. Our Bible and trade books imprint is called Broadman and Holman (or B&H), which is why the Holman Christian Standard Bible carries that name.
I am teaching the 3s-Pre-K class and the leader guide has suggestions for Arts and Crafts activities. Where can I find the directions for these activities? Thank you!
Arts & Crafts teaching plans are included in the 3s-K Rotation Pack. This is also where you’ll find the teaching plans for the other preschool rotations–missions, music, and recreation.
Our church of Rose of Sharon Baptist Church in Alexandria, La has had an AWESOME time this week (June 26-30, 2017) using the Galactic Starveyors Theme for Vacation Bible School!!! Our children have learned so much and our participants were well engaged! There favorite song was “Sin messed Everything Up” We looks forward in next year’s theme.,
Can anyone tell me what is the Starveyor Kit 3-K? Is it in the Leader Pack?
The Starveyor Kit: 3s–K is the learner piece for preschoolers and kindergartners. It is not included in the leader pack. The Kit includes a daily activity card for each day and a game spinner (to use with the cards and in class) with customizable face plates. Many churches provide a Starveyor Kit for every child to use in Bible study and to take home.
My kids Jacob and Sonya love it
Thank you, LifeWay! I am so impressed and have been extremely blessed by the music and teaching of Galactic Starveyors. My youngest daughter (9) has loved this week of Bible stories, music, crafts, etc. (they’re on Day 4), and I love that the truth of the Gospel is spelled out so clearly and in such a compelling and memorable way.
We listen to the CD every day, and I am praying that God will use those songs to plant His Word in the hearts of all who hear, families included.
God bless you and all who’ve put their God-given time, effort and talent to such good use. May He be glorified, and may lives be changed forever as a result.
That is our prayer for music too … that God will use it to root His truth deep down in a child’s heart and mind & that is will stick with them their entire lives! I’m glad your daughter is having such a wonderful experience at VBS. Thank you for the feedback and the encouragement!
I am looking to purchase the Galactic Starveyors VBS curriculum for use in my upcoming classroom (2021). Where can I purchase it?
Unfortunately, it is no longer available for purchase. But the Bible content was repurposed into our “Go and Tell Kids” mission trip VBS. You may use that for Bible study and rotations and purchase the music on iTunes.
Although it seems as if you reuse themes every so often, I would really hope to see a theme in the future like Galactic Starveyors! My church did this theme in 2017 and believe it or not but I was about 8 years old then and now I am 13 almost 14 years old now. I will never forget the theme song or the “Sin messed everything up everything!” This theme was the best!! However, this was not my all-time favorite theme, my favorite theme would have to be Agency D3, and I loved the theme song and the one that shows children how easy it is to get saved. If you do use similar themes every so often, I would really love to see a theme like or similar to Agency D3 or Galactic Starveyrs. Maybe even Colossal Coaster World.
God Bless,