Looking for More VBS16 Ideas?
Early this week I was walking through the halls of First Baptist Church Hendersonville, Tennessee, and VBS was everywhere. In one room an energetic group of ladies was rehearsing music motions. In another area a group of men and women were on their knees creating a large submarine for the stage out of foam board. And, in another part of the building an enthusiastic volunteer was measuring a door frame in preparation for decorations designed to welcome kids to her classroom.
VBS is definitely in the air in Hendersonville, and I imagine the same winds are blowing in your neck of the woods.
As you make final preparation be sure to check out the Submerged VBS pins on Pinterest. Just type Lifeway VBS in the search bar and prepare to be amazed! There are some of the most fantastic – yet simple – decorations you can imagine. I especially like the gigantic octopus that appears to be emerging from the submarine door. Even if you have all of your decorations planned, created, or in place you should take a few minutes to scroll through this vast treasure chest of ideas for decorations, crafts, and snacks.
Speaking of Submerged graphics, be sure to check out the DVD-ROM included with Decorating Made Easy. You will find a wealth of clip art and social media banners in a variety of formats. This is the most art we have ever provided in one central place.
You also need to check out the “Helps” section at lifeway.com/vbs. Just click on the Downloads and Media tab at the top of the home page. You will find templates, supplies, and missionary updates. This is also were we post corrections to any mistakes that might be found in leader resources.
Under the same Downloads and Media tab you will also find clip art and instruction videos such as the motion instructional videos for Submerged preschool music.
Also, don’t forget to encourage your workers to take advantage of free last-minute training by going to www.ministrygrid.com/web/vbs. Training is provided for all preschool workers, Grades 1-6 Bible study leaders, and Grades 1-6 crafts leaders.
Don’t forget the new black and white coloring pages of the daily Bible story pictures. The reproducible pages are available on the 3s-Pre-K Enhanced CD (located in the 3s-Pre-K Leader Pack).
This is great. I just found this site. It really has some great stories.
Is there a promotional video for Student VBS? We are holding a seperate VBS for our 5th – 7th graders and we need to entice them and the parents to sign up.