Reaching Families Through VBS Part 1
VBS and similar events open doors for unchurched kids to connect with the church, and if we are intentional about doing so, they will also open doors to connect with their parents.
Each January Lifeway conducts VBS Previews in North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee. The following tips for reaching families through VBS were generated by guests at the 2016 events.
Personally invite the family to your VBS Celebration
- Speak to a family personally. Offer to sit with, eat with, or meet up with the family at the Family Night or VBS Family Celebration.
- Advertise the family celebration during drop off and pick up times in a very visible way.
- Explain what the celebration will be. Share what food will be available, childcare if it is offered, and how long the event will last.
- Invite the family in multiple ways, via text, social media, snail mail, phone, and by personal contact. One point of contact is not enough.
- Present the opportunity as a fun event the entire family will want to attend.
Provide correct information
- Make sure the information provided on your church’s website and various places on social media is factual and current.
- VBS times, places, and events should be clearly outlined and easy to locate online, at your church, and on information that goes home with kids. Never assume people just “know” information about your Bible school or church.
- Be clear and concise about church activities provided. If your kids ministry is named something (FBC Cadets) or referenced as an area (The Ark) that would be unfamiliar to families, be sure to explain ages and locations activities are provided.
- Service times and activities available to kids and parents should be provided in detail.
Provide an incentive
- Offer incentives for both parents and kids.
- Ask yourself: What would it take to convince me to come to an event at church? What would it take to convince my kids to come?
- Advertise the incentive, and be sure you make good on what you advertise. If you promise something (food, small trinket, special guest), be able to provide it.
Stayed tuned for more tips next week.
Make plans now to attend Lifeway’s VBS Preview in January 2017 in North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee. Registration opens Monday, June 6 and will be announced at
I love your VBS materials and have used for past two years
Thanks Beverley. We always enjoying hearing from friends who appreciate our work.