VBS 2016 Digital Pass Now Available
If you have attended a Preview recently you know the creative extras and training videos available on the event-only VBS Digital Pass.
Now you can take advantage of these great futures from the comfort of your own computer with one simple click!
The 2016 VBS digital pass is an on-demand web-accessed platform where you can view and download the videos used during the VBS16 Preview. Your digital pass will include all the general sessions media (opening video, countdown timer, song bumpers) as well as the videos used during Worship Rally. There are decoration ideas and interviews with tons of the breakout leaders.
You will also have access to the Family Experience plan – which is a excellent resource to help with planning family night at the end of your VBS week.
Get your Digital Pass today with one simple click!
Hello, VBS 2015 I used “Make preparation today for your JOTM” and “Ministrygrid.com/web/vbs” Spring 2015 as a training tool for my VBS Leaders. This was a wonderful resource for leaders to watch a short tutorial on their kits and room decorations on their own.
I have not been able to find a similar site for Submerged for my leaders.
Are you offering such a site this Spring?
So happy to hear Ministry Grid training videos were helpful. You should be able to find Submerged training videos at ministrygrid.com/web/vbs
I really enjoy vbs
When will the Submerged VBS App become available for purchase?
Any day now. We are waiting on approval from Apple.
Is there a DVD of preschool songs with motions? They are different than Grades 1-6.
You will find motions demonstrations to four of the Preschool songs at lifeway.com/vbs. Click on the downloads tab at the top.
I was told that the VBS count down used at Ridgecrest was on the digital pass I can not find it. Where is it?
Skip, the countdown should be on the digital pass, but you can also access it here on vimeo.