Ideas for Promoting VBS

- Identify the target audience (for example, mothers of elementary aged kids) and promote specifically to them.
- Identify where kids and families gather – such as parks, parades, and community festivals – and take advantage of the opportunity to promote VBS.
- Make sure all questions such as dates, times, location, ages, costs, and contact information are clearly answered.
- Utilize social media. Provide church members with information to share with their social media friends.
- Invite childcare centers and community youth programs to participate.
- Provide youth and adult classes and promote VBS for the entire family.
- Word of mouth is the best promotion of all. Creating a reputation of excellence will build anticipation for the next year.
Join the conversation: how do you plan to promote VBS 2016 Submerged?
Our church’s VBS director is a BIG fan of wearing your T Shirt as soon as they become available! When people comment on it, she’ll ask them if they want to help!
Thanks for all the great ideas for every aspect. Enjoy using them
Been in VBS for 20 years leading and still excited every year and loving it. Sharing Jesus with children is awesome. Thanks