Monday Morning Checklist – Prepare for Training Events
October may seem a little early to think about training for VBS 2016, but you want to have the dates and details ready to share as you begin enlisting workers. Participation in training not only needs to be an expectation, it needs to be one of the resources your provide to fully equip workers for their assignments.
Lifeway and our great training partners across the United States provide a variety of training opportunities. In addition to training you will provide that will be specific to your VBS, there are multiple events and online training options beginning as early as this week. In fact, I just returned from a VBS 2016 training event in Iowa.
Today’s checklist assignment is to make plans for your personal training as well as training you will provide your workers. Following are some options to consider.
1. Lifeway’s VBS 2016 Preview. January is a great time to dive deep into VBS 2016 by attending one of the six Preview events being held in North Carolina, Texas, and Tennessee. For more information and to register go to Prices go up November 1 so register today!
2. Check with both the state and local associations of Southern Baptist churches. State conventions and associations across the Nation will be hosting training events beginning now through May. To name just a a few, there is one October 17 in Phoenix, October 24 in Springfield, Illinois, November 12 in Oklahoma City, and November 14 in Alexandria, Louisiana.
3. Online training is available at After the first of the year Ministrygrid will provide free training sessions specifically for VBS 2016 Submerged.
As you make plans for training events be sure to schedule the dates on the church calendar. You will also want to plan for transportation, meals, childcare, housing if staying overnight, and expenses. Nail down as many details as possible before you begin promoting training opportunities.
Next week’s Monday Morning Checklist – Plan Continued Connection Opportunities.
Why there is no training in Florida anymore ?
Training in Florida continues to be offered by the Florida Baptist Convention and regional associations of Southern Baptist churches. You may wish to contact an association near you for more information. I regret that the LifeWay Preview previously held in Kissimmee had to be cancelled due to budget restrictions.