10 Tips for Successful Worker Enlistment
The most dreaded task of a VBS director is worker enlistment. Since general appeals have very little success, the only alternative is face-to-face, one-on-one, snagging-them-in-the-hallway enlistment.
Before you begin wringing your hands and begging on bended knees, take some advice from Lifeway’s Lead Kids Ministry Specialist Bill Emeott. I recently participated in one of Bill’s training sessions and came away with ten tips for successful worker enlistment.
1. God is in control. God is aware of and interested in every aspect of VBS including worker enlistment.
2. Recruit with a vision. Enlist people to the vision and purpose of VBS, not a job.
3. Be enthusiastic! Potential workers will follow your lead. It is hard to get excited about VBS if the person enlisting workers is not excited.
4. Organization is your friend. Create an organization chart then enlist for specific assignments.
5. Share the joy. Enlist a core leadership team and assign enlistment responsibilities to each team member.
6. Use job descriptions. Provide each potential worker with a list of responsibilities and expectations.
7. Don’t forget the men. Don’t assume men are unwilling or unable to work in VBS.
8. Train and equip. Never enlist someone by saying, “there’s nothing to it.” Promise and provide training and resources for each worker.
9. Provide support. Be a mentor, coach, and encourager for all workers – but especially workers with little or no experience.
10. Show appreciation. Everyone wants to be appreciated – before, during, and after VBS.
Ready to start working on VBS for summer of 2016