From the Archives: Follow-Up Actions That Work
We asked VBS leaders from each state to tell us about follow-up actions that work. Here are a few of their suggestions:
- Enlist a Follow-up Leader at the same time you are enlisting other VBS team leaders and department directors. Include follow-up as a part of overall VBS planning and preparation, conveying at every opportunity that follow-up is not an after thought, but is a crucial aspect of the effectiveness of VBS.
Submitted by Sue Harmon, South Carolina
- Develop a follow-up strategy before you begin recruiting for VBS. As you enlist workers, recruit them not only for the week of VBS but for the two or three weeks of follow up. “Can’t commit to follow-up? Sorry, can’t work in VBS.”
Submitted by Bob Clark, Kansas
- Make sure VBS enrollment cards are filled out completely and legible. Provide each child with a packet of church information for their parents.
Submitted by James Blakeney, Alabama
- At the beginning of the Sunday School year conduct a VBS Reunion complete with VBS songs, snacks, and a reminder of how much fun both VBS and Sunday School can be.
Submitted by Wendy Hammock, Ohio
- Take pictures throughout the week for a Family Night video presentation. Personally deliver copies of the DVD to the home of every family represented in VBS.
Submitted by Penny Reedy and Lynda Ellison, Minnesota
- Make a craft on the last day of VBS that requires paint to dry or photos to be developed. During the following week have VBS workers personally deliver the crafts to the homes of the children.
Submitted by Doug Watkins, Florida
- Create a theme-related photo opportunity and take every child’s picture. Following VBS deliver a 5×7” print to the child’s home. This always seems to turn a home visit into a positive and rewarding experience.
Submitted by Craig Beall, Texas
- During Family Night activities connect children and parents with the person who would be the child’s Sunday School teacher. Make sure each Sunday School teacher has a supply of enrollment cards and understands how to transfer a children from VBS to Sunday School.
Submitted by Richard Nations, Iowa
This information was first published in 2009.
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