More Frequently Asked Questions About Lifeway's VBS
Last Tuesday I shared answers to several Frequently Asked Questions About Lifeway’s VBS. Here’s a few more.
- Is it legal to duplicate the Takin’ It Home CD? (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE TAKIN’ IT HOME MUSIC FOR KIDS/PRESCHOOLERS CD WHICH SHOULD NOT BE DUPLICATED) ANS: Definitely! In fact, we created the CD with the expectation that churches would duplicate one copy for each family attending VBS. The copy found in the Jump Start Kit is designed to be duplicated. Free downloadable files for the Takin’ It Home CD are also available at – just click on the tab at the top right of the page. For convenience we do offer bundles of the Takin’ It Home CD.
- How can I duplicate the Takin’ It Home CD if my church does not have duplicating equipment? ANS: The great news here is most computers have the ability to be used as a duplicator. You can only burn one CD at a time but at least you have the needed duplicating equipment. All you need is an original Takin’ It Home CD or the downloadable files from and a supply of blank CDs.
- Where can I find music from previous VBS themes? ANS: Printed versions of the songs are not available. However, audio files can be downloaded by searching “VBS Music” on iTunes or by going to Click on the “Shop” button at the top of the page. Type the name of the theme you are looking for in the search window.
- Does Lifeway produce an alternative or second VBS theme each year? ANS: Yes!!! We call it Zip for Kids and it is a fantastic resource that gives churches a wealth of Bible content, activities, games, music, and videos for a customized VBS. And since it is a customizable resource Zip for Kids is the name of the resource and not your VBS. You can create any theme and name you wish so you can definitely be the only church in town inviting kids to the XYZ VBS. There are currently two editions of Zip for Kids available and a third edition will be available during the Spring of 2016. While Zip for Kids can certainly be used for VBS it is also a great resource for a variety of ministries including sports camps. Go to to learn more.
- Why doesn’t Lifeway produce VBS resources for smaller churches? ANS: We do our best to create a one-size-fits-all curriculum that can be used by churches of all sizes. In fact, 51% of the churches that recently used Journey Off the Map curriculum registered fewer than 100 kids and workers combined – and many of the churches registered fewer than 50 kids. Lifeway’s VBS resources are designed to be flexible and meet the needs of churches of all sizes. True, it may take a little more work to custom fit the resources to your church – but that is the case with any size church. For Bible schools with 30-40 kids I recommend using the 3s-Pre-K resources for all preschoolers and the 3rd & 4th grade resources for all elementary-aged kids. These are the easiest two leader guides to adapt to multiple ages. Another great idea for smaller Bible schools is Backyard Kids Club. The economical BKC kit has everything needed (except for craft supplies and snacks) for about 20 kids. Don’t let the catalog fool you into thinking you need everything in it to provide an awesome VBS. We provide a large number of wonderful resources for those who want them, but the reality is you can provide a fantastic VBS experience with just a few essentials.
Here is another question for you. Why isn’t LifeWay VBS past and present music available on LifeWayWorship’s website?