Introducing Lifeway's VBS 2016: Submerged
Prepare to embark on an adventure like no other, scouring the mysterious fathoms of the deep sea. Thrilling discoveries await just beyond the portholes of your submarine. Things look very different once you get below the surface – and that’s true for life above the surface, too.
As kids submerge themselves in God’s Word, they will discover that Jesus saw people differently. He didn’t just see what’s on the outside; He saw who people were down deep.
As kids learn to see themselves and others as Jesus sees them, they can realize that everyone needs a Savior – even those who look like they have it all together. A relationship with Jesus Christ changes everything! All you have to do is dive in!
Bible Verse
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way. Psalm 139:23–24
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23–24 (KJV)
Click here to learn more about
Submerged: Finding Truth Below the Surface
Click here to check out FREE last-minute training for your preschool and kids VBS leaders. We also have FREE Journey Off the Map specific training available by clicking here.
It would be nice to have a copy of the live reveal posted for those of us who couldn’t watch at work etc… 🙂
The reveal video has been posted on the LifeWay VBS Facebook page.
Thanks! I had been looking for that for a while to share with folks here.
Umm… so what does Texas have to do with any of that? Or were all those Texas hidden clues just to throw us off the path? Or are the missions going to be in Texas? Color me confused.
Post the music videos soon please!
Sorry, but music videos for VBS 2016 are not ready.
Hello I have a concern. When will the submerged 2016 videos be posted on YouTube? I am the worship rally/ music director and I need myself and my colleagues to start learning the motions.when will the submerged anything be posted for crying out loud?!
Worship Rally videos are never LEGALLY posted on YouTube. Doing so is a violation of copy right laws and cheats the music writers and musicians out of their income. You can listen to the music at Click on the music tab at the top.
Videos are available now for purchase by calling 1.800.458.2772. VBS 2016 Worship Rally Pack (005734660).
We at Alief Baptist Church are excited and anxious for the upcoming LifeWay 2016 VBS! Looking forward to learning the new songs.
I would love it if lifeway had a more biblical time vbs. we have adapted several vbs to get the one that seems to work best and kids love to be immersed in that time period. We have done this several years and it has Bn so great. My fear is that we lose so much in the “themes” it can take away focus from the scriptures
I agree with Kim. Why can’t the “theme” be the scriptures that the curriculum is based on? Sometimes it almost gets to the point of being irreverent, putting more emphasis on the themes than the Bible, and then that is what the kids remember, not the stories from the Bible.
I agree with Kim and Tina. The Theme obscures the Bible story, especially when they aren’t coordinated. Kindergarten (lower grades) do no comprehend abstract ideas.
do not (correction)
I too wish the themes were more bible related. With this them this year it could be just water in the bible. It cost a church several hundred dollars to get everything that is in the curriculum. The bible and the stories about water related stories would be great as long as kids had fun and not so many things to distract them or prizes.
Is there any audio clip of the theme song available? I’m all about the music; I do the music rotation! Please let me know! I’m excited to hear the songs and updates about Submerged as we get closer to VBS 2016!
More info about Submerged will be available in October.
Hey Jerry. I have a pastor friend who had a pretty good idea. He said he would like to see Lifeway offer a retro vbs or Bible study package. Bring the old themes out of mothballs and reintroduce them in a more simplistic format with the same content. Many kids who went through those vbs’s all those years ago are now leading in churches today. It would be a great opportunity to pull from their memory vault the things they learned so many years ago including all the Bible content as well as the music. It could be packaged like the small vbs backyard studies that was done a few years ago. What do you think?
The underwater theme should be fun to work with. I’m excited about the decorating possibilities! It seems a little odd to me that with this undersea theme, there are no Bible lessons in or around the ocean. Couldn’t the main focus have been reached using Noah, Jonah, Jesus calling the fishermen, Jesus calming the storm or any others bringing together the focus and the theme?
Great suggestions Pat. However, Submerged has more to do with the heart of an individual than the ocean itself. While we think we know a person by what we can see on the surface, Jesus has the ability to look much deeper and see the true heart, nature, and potential of the person. Only Jesus knows the real me because only He has the ability to see what is hidden from everyone else. Jesus knows my faults, but He also knows my potential. VBS 2016 has great Biblical content. You are going to love it!
i love vbs ive been attending the one in nigeria since when it opened you inspire me jerry.
I have noticed with a few songs from the past two years that they originate from other songs. Is this true or am I imagining this?
I think your imagination is running wild!
Our kids get so excited about VBS, our attendance is fantastic. they do learn their memory verses, and the theme—such discover, decide, defend. they learned what theme meant. Last year they learned about Daniel and his friends, and to follow God, even when everyone else choices the easy path.
I just listened to the music previews! I must say, I’m surprised at how heavy the theme song is but I am super excited for next summer! Can’t wait to see the motions 🙂
When can you purchase items out of the VBS 2016 catalog?
Does the submerged vbs have skits for each day?
Jeff, the Worship Rally Guide contains short two-person skits that can be used at the beginning or closing of the day by tweaking a few words. A full-blown drama and musical are available in The Music Book.
Thank you for all of your hard work putting together such awesome VBS material each year. Also, thank you for getting it out to the general public so early for those of us who are swamped with to many things that we have to start so early.
Love the lifeway VBS music. 2015 was wonderful because you had teens doing the actions. My 4-6th graders thought they were cool and not one bulked at performing the motions. It has been my experience kids will step up to what ever level you give them but they won’t dumb down. your product is so much more beneficial if it appeals to older elementary kids. Keep up the good work! God bless you all.
In all previous years there has been a video to show each day that goes with the vbs theme. (Example – “The Lost Adventure” for last years theme) I don’t see one online and just wondering if I it’s called something else this year? I hope there is one… we really enjoy having those in our daily rotation. Thanks!
There is definitely a five-episode video for Submerged. It is found on the Worship Rally DVD.
Can you please put the gospel in each lesson like Gospel Project? It’s the most important part of VBS and often gets forgotten.
I need a 2 or 2 1/2 day program. Is it possible to convert this package for what I need and do you have any suggestion?
Thank you
Lynn, you can definitely use Submerged for a 2 day program but you are going to have to be creative to get all of the Bible content in – and what is vacation BIBLE school without the Biblical content. I do not know your circumstances and way you need a condensed school schedule, but I encourage you to conduct your school for as many days as possible. We are discovering through statistics that in many situations condensed schools are resulting in fewer professions of faith. Five days gives your workers time to build relationships and gain trust with the kids. It also gives time for neighborhood kids to find out you are having VBS and still participate later in the week. With a condensed schedule you need to very intentional about evangelism from session 1.
In the past you have posted the various fonts used for each season. Where can I find a list of fonts used for the different pieces of Submerged, there was mention of a Branding and Style Guide. Thank you
Fonts used throughout Submerged resources: Houndcats PB (headers for Preschool and children), Matchwood WF (headers for VBX, Student, Adult), Hurme Geometric Sans 4 Regular (Body for all interior copy), Bellow Script (this font was only used as inspiration for hand-drawn lettering for t-shirt designs.
It would be very helpful if we could have to preschool song lyrics provided because it is frustrating to have to type them myself. Thanks!
You need to check out the VBS 2016 Submerged Preschool Rotation Pack.
I’m ready to get started for next years VBS! We haven’t even done this years yet, but I’m already excited about next year, I love decorating our sanctuary!
And planning crafts for the kids! I really would like to have an aviation theme.
Is there a website that discusses the pre school mission rotation activities? I would like a little more instruction especially on the hand print and lunch bag journal. I can wing it but wonder what was actually planned.
Diana, the best way to learn more is by contacting [email protected]. She is one of our fantastic editors and will be able to provide the information you are looking for.
I am trying to find the “how to make” videos for the Submerged “The Helm” set. Last year they were on posted Vimeo. I haven’t been able to find any for the Submerged sets. They were absolutely the biggest help, please tell me they are posted somewhere?
Brandy, you will find the videos on the DVD-rom included with Decorating Made Easy. You can also find the videos at Click on “rotations” at the top of the page. You will find two videos for each rotation. One video describes the rotation and the second explains how to create the set.
Thank You for getting back with me! I found the videos on the decorating made easy cd, however these aren’t the videos I am referring to. Last year Lifeway posted a video to Vimeo titled “Journey Off The Map Treehouse Set Up”. Gordon & Melita take you step by step through how to put together the treehouse. Do you know if such a video exists for the Helm set?
This is my first year with LifeWay VBS. We have used Gospel Light for years, but it is no longer available. Is there a forum for people who use LifeWay to share ideas, pictures and helps? Gospel Light had a great community to share problem solving, details and supplies with. It seems to be the only thing I am missing with transitioning to LifeWay… and they had more songs and better Pre-k songs, but that is easy to find on youtube. I love how user friendly LifeWay’s curriculum is!
Mariah, at one time we had such a community and may again someday soon. However, until then you might want to join us on Facebook and Pinterest. Thank you for saying our curriculum is user friendly. We try hard to make it user friendly and at the same time applicable to many different taste and preferences.
We miss the “Yes to VBS” song that used to be on the take home cd – any chance it could be brought back?
It is unlikely the song will be included on future CDs but you can download it on iTunes.
I think it is crazy to say the themes have become too important. You have to be creative to pull unchurched children in. I have been the director at our church’s vbs for many years and the children are excited to see what the theme for each year will be. We tie in a big prize that goes along with the theme to entice the children to come and it works. We normally have 20 children or less in our church and 100 or more attend vbs each year. The vbs material does a great job linking the theme biblically and impactfully.
I would like to see more actual sign language used again. It seems in the last couple of years the lifeway vbs choreography has used less and less signing and more generic dance moves. The kids always enjoyed learning the signs for different words and it definitely made the songs more meaningful.
I have to say that I have loved the choreography these last couple years, and I think having actual dance steps makes it more fun! Maybe it’s just because I’ve worked with groups that just stood there and signed to their songs though.
I also miss the actual sign language. It made it easier to learn the words and motions at the same time. However, I must say with this year’s fast paced music I think the children (and myself) would have a hard time signing properly so quickly. Most of our kids know sign through the previous years/choir songs and naturally want to make them when they hear words like Life, God, Heart, etc. That being said, our music team loves, loves, LOVES the music this year! Good job!
Please use crafts that emphasize the bible lesson for that day. I’m a retired kindergarten teacher & know all activities after a lesson should relate to what you taught. If the craft doesn’t follow our goal for these kids it’s a waste. I usually make up my own crafts due to this. And another biggie…test these preschool crafts w a group of little ones beforehand. Many they cannot do at all. Their eye hand coordination should be taken into consideration. Didn’t mean to go on rant. I’ve been teaching preschool crafts for 12 yrs now &
It never changes:
Is there a place where we can download/purchase the “Submerged” font? I’d like to use this font on handouts that we make for the week.
Stephanie, the Submerged font is not really a font. It is hand drawn. Sorry I’m unable to provide what you are requesting.
Is there anywhere I can get the lyrics to the songs? I’m the music/worship leader and I’d like to print the lyrics and make notes of the motions. I would rather print them than write them out.
Ashley, lyrics for the Submerged theme song, as well as all five daily songs, are printed in the VBS 2016 Music Book. You will also find chord charts.
Is this book in what our church received? I know it’s not in the individual teacher packets – we could really use copies of just the lyrics! 🙂
The VBS 2016 Music Book is a separate book that can be purchased individually. It is not in the Jump Start Kit or any of the leader packets. It is primarily designed for churches that perform the VBS musical.
Hi, Jerry, Love the THEME for 2016 VBS, getting all together, and bless you and your team, for all your hard work. thanks.
I don’t have a problem with themes but my problem is can they not incorporate words like Jesus, God, the Bible somewhere in them. Submerged in God’s Word………the themes are ok but it’s suppose to be all about our Lord and Savior…..we do our own themes because for the last several years I don’t know what VBS is about anymore. Please put His name on these things, one would think you are trying to be politically correct by leaving His name out
Is there a way to get the lyrics in Spanish? We bought the materials in English so we could learn before we go and share in Cuba. We will have interpreters;However, I would like to be familiar with the songs in Spanish.
Danita, Spanish resources are available for Submerged. Go to Or if you contact a LifeWay Christian Store ask for product number 005738190.
Reviewing the VBS material & would like to see the VBS teaching pictures be the same as the ones we use in Sunday School, Bible Studies for Life.
I love the message in each song from Submerged, as well as the music itself. My issue is that the motions are too complicated at times. It seems as if the choreography was meant for those with dancing experience. “You Know Me”, for example, has so many hand moves that I think the kids will be more focused on trying to keep up with the moves than enjoying the song and letting the words sink in. VBS is typically meant for grades K-6. I think the music reaches all age groups but the motions are too challenging for the younger ages. Please, for the future, try to simplify the choreography.
Does anyone have some cute ideas to decorate the room?
I love the theme!!!
I have a child who is very involved in church and is always interested to be in a VBS video. She does not have an agent. However, she does have theatre and drama as well as stage performance experience. She has performed in a professional ballet for some time now with her current ballet company. Any leads or suggestions who I can contact regarding an opportunity?
The yes to vbs song needs to be on every years dvd. Some dont know the motions or it use,to be on every years. Why cant it be there now. Plus its easier to run the videos ratger than changing out a dvd.
While Yes, to VBS was used for a few years it was never intended to be a staple of LifeWay’s VBS curriculum. An audio version of the song is available on iTunes.
Please tell me the version of the bible you use for the bible verse.
We use the Holman Christian Standard Bible, however any time a Scripture is printed we print it in both Holman Christian Standard Bible and King James Version.
Been So Exicted
It was an awesome week we had at VBS. All because of Submerged! Thank You! 🙂