Drum Roll Please – Impossible Clue #1
And now, the news we have all been anxiously waiting for — LIFEWAY’S VBS 2016 THEME IS…
Did you really think I was going to just tell you the theme? No way! If you want to know the theme for VBS 2016 you must work for it. And by work I mean utilize your investigative skills to unscramble four amazing Impossible Clues. A new clue will be revealed here each day through Saturday, so don’t miss a day or a clue.
Finally, the biggest reveal of all – the answers to the Impossible Clues, as well as the VBS 2016 theme, will be Monday, June 1, 1:00 p.m. Nashville time (otherwise known as CST).
Hosting the big reveal will be our own Melita and Collin – along with some great special guests from The Gospel Project, Bible Studies for Life, and Explore the Bible – so you will want to tune in by 12:40 and not miss a single moment of the fun. In fact, grab some friends and a bowl of popcorn and make it an event! That’s exactly what Lifeway’s VBS team is doing. We are having a big theme reveal party right here at the office and have invited 70 or so of our closest friends.
We would love for you to send us a photo of your theme reveal party – after all, what is more worthy of a party than VBS?
Ready for Impossible Clue #1? If you have played Impossible Clues in previous years you know answers are typically found in the smallest details so you will probably want to replay this Impossible Clue video multiple times.
Wow! I’m sure glad I already know the theme. This Impossible Clue was exactly what the name implies – IMPOSSIBLE!
Think you have figured out Impossible Clue #1? Share your guess in the comments section, then sign up in the box below to be entered to win a VBS 2016 Jump Start Kit, Preschool Starter Kit, and Kids Starter Kit! Winners will be announced during the theme reveal party on June 1.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Join me here tomorrow for Impossible Clue #2 – and keep those guesses coming.
Matthew says
Oh It just gets harder, and harder. I remember when Lifeway just gave us the theme. Oh well, might as well have some fun!
Christa says
Jerry Wooley says
Inventions is a good guess. Additional clues will most likely back up your theory. Stay tuned!
Chris Conrades says
We think so far the theme leads us to working together as a team. Building up the body of Christ. Maybe a super hero theme? There are a lot of doubles in the clue.
Krystal Roe says
I never can figure these out, but…..something medical related?
Rebecca says
A good combination. That would be great for a medical theme. Excited cannot wait for the next clue and to find out the theme.
Terri says
Shawna Novak says
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13
A good combination- Christ living in my heart
Holly says
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
rachel carter says
No idea but I will keep watching the clues.
Amanda Barton says
The human body?? We are fearfully and wonderfully made – Psalm 139:14
Naomi says
I think I saw some flashes of clues hidden in the video. I will have to go back and watch the video 20 more times or so.
I think it is a time travel theme, because there is nothing overtly about time travel in the videos.
Mark N says
I think it is more around the idea of Self Discovery!
Donna Mc says
The Great Physician – healing, and the miracle of our body!
Amber says
So, I liked the idea of inventions because I thought medical was so obvious, until I watched the video again and my video paused for some reason. Oddly enough it froze on the most creepy of pictures with a dude just STARING out the screen! The name Christian Barnard was written on the eyes. He is the first to perform a successful heart transplant, correct? Ezekiel 36:26 would be a good verse for that. OR because the words of his name were written in his eyes, I’m leaning toward 1 Corinthians 2:9!
Johnathon Powell says
Technology theme? How we have all this technology but everything still comes down to our heart.
Tonya says
The Body of Christ
Rebecca says
A Good Combination. maybe a medical theme of sorts.
Amber A says
I am going with the obvious to guess a doctor/hospital theme with a theme verse of Ezekiel 36:26a, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.” I’ll probably change my mind after tomorrow’s clue.
Leo Endel says
Only God Can Heal My Achy Breaky Heart
Jerry Wooley says
This one made me laugh! Good job Leo.
Kim says
Outer Space theme
Jeff says
Luke 10.27 – Love God with all heart, soul, strength, mind… love neighbor as yourself.
Love God, love others.
Robin F says
Deuteronomy 6:5 ” Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
Larry Killian says
It’s obvious, the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) has infiltrated even to the depths of the sacred VBS — Examinations of the heart reveal intent, but the symptoms must lead to a diagnosis and with the diagnosis a solution and a cure for what ails us — Luke 10:27
Jerry Wooley says
We’re hoping to get a discount on our premiums by promoting the Affordable Health Care Act. I’m not expecting much but it never hurts (is there a doctor in the house) to try.
Christy says
Exploring the Heart of a Christian
Jamie says
I’m thinking it has to do with “How’s your heart health?” and it will be a medical setting with a Bible study that has to do with searching the Bible for symptoms of a bad (or good) heart! Games/Sports will be like a heart stress test, etc…
Lisa Harden says
Operation: Heart
Adrian says
Luke 6:45 ~ A good man produces good out of the good storeroom of his heart. An evil man produces evil out of the evil storeroom, for his mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.
Diane says
With the flash of the words “A Good Combination” in the graphic of a heart, I’m going with something about Unlocking Your Heart. LOL
Pat says
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Kelly says
The “heartbeat” of God- “Discovering HIS Will For Us”
Jessica says
My guess is Health!
Jeff says
Proverbs 4:23 – Guard Your Heart – Prison Theme
Jenifer says
We are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Medical Theme
Stephanie Harris says
For everything was created by Him,
in heaven and on earth,
the visible and the invisible,
whether thrones or dominions
or rulers or authorities—
all things have been created through Him and for Him
Colossians 1:16
Christy W says
I think it’s the Body of Christ-how we are all a good combination when you put Christ as the head and the heart of the body
Caitlin Braud says
Ok, so I saw a flash of the “desperate man” which I Google-image searched to figure out who/what it was. It’s a self portrait by Gustave Courbet, who was a French painter who led the Realist movement in the mid-1800s, according to Wikipedia. So, I’m seeing desperation is a symptom of our hearts being disconnected from God, and I also saw “A Good Combination” flash, so I’m guessing the medical inference may have something to do with The Great Physician being able to heal the symptoms of our “broken” hearts?
Holly LeMaster says
I think it either has to do with medicine or lessons around Jesus and his love for us (which is a lot to choose from). I don’t know seems fun though can’t wait!!!!
Michelle Stutts says
Working together to achieve one goal!!
Leigh Elkins says
movie making or The Good Samaritan or wonderfully made
janna smith says
Technology theme. Robots. Ect. I would love a steampunk time travel idea too. How fun loving the clues.
Lisa Miller says
Mission impossible – we are the body.
Danita says
A Good Combination – Clue 1?
Melissa says
I watched the video at least 20 times, with a quick finger to pause at certain points…I saw a portrait of Jesus (I think it was him…it looked like his wrist was pierced…and he had weird eyes in that particular picture, by the way) and then the phrase “A good combination” flashed near the end…but…there was an engine looking thing at the beginning, and a chain…hmmmm…..and then blood and a heart…I am lost…
Lucinda Gibson says
I am never very good at these clues but I am guessing something along a healthy fitness theme. A healthy heart.
TASHA says
Body of Christ?
San garrison says
Fantastic voyage
Mike Hurtgen says
Well the picture is a doctor so I’m going with Acts
Crystal says
Create in me a clean heart
Erin Smith says
All of our VBS volunteers are actively trying to help me figure this out (whoever figures it our gets a free t-shirt)! At first I thought something medical, but after the 2nd video I’m completely thrown for a loop.
Jerry Wooley says
Way to go Erin. You have turned a game into a game but including your team. Send us a picture of the winner!
Tammy says
I was thinking more of a crossroads type theme. Since I just saw day 2 with the crossword puzzle. Jeremiah 6:16
Adrian says
Romans 10:10 One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation.
Psalm 24:4-5
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who has not set his mind[a] on what is false,
and who has not sworn deceitfully.
5 He will receive blessing from the Lord,
and righteousness from the God of his salvation.
Yesterday – heart, “Good Combination” (the word “AND” in Psalm 24:4-5 speaks to the combination) and the eyes (said something like Christianity Virtue)
Today – mockingbird (mouth) and crossword solved gives you the letters for TRUTH
Caitlin Braud says
Well today (Impossible Clue #2) I see TRUTH is in the crossword puzzle. It’s also about Taking A Bath. Clearly the TRUTH, is that our dirty hearts (desperate, symptom from yesterday) need to be CLEANED by the Truth. I also saw a picture of a Gray bird that looks like a Mockingbird. – Does it have to do with Psalm 1:1?
Marge Penrod says
Something to do with healing power?
Beth Morphis says
Create in me a clean heart?
Amy Farmer says
Bird & Crossword puzzle= talking about the TRUTH
Jolene Clenney says
I know the second clue is CRUTCH. So heart and crutch….oh what is that Verse…HELP.
Jolene Clenney says
Not crutch Truth.
1 Peter 1:22
Summer Tallina says
SO FUN!!! Totally anticipating the next two clues!! Dr would lead you to believe something medical/healing, Mud would lead you to, cleanse a dirty heart…. Seems like a perfect “combination” to throw us off track!! HA!! Expecting a “curve ball” tomorrow.. 🙂
Jerry Wooley says
Just wait. We are winding up for that curve ball this very moment.
Ambie says
A clean heart!?!?!?!
Patrick Robertson says
Living God’s Unshakeable Truth??
Patrick Robertson says
Psalm 86.11
Patrick Robertson says
Truth Trackers and the Secret of the Stone Tablets?
Sarah says
I’m thinking Mission Impossible 1 Peter 1:22…however, there are 3 more clues to go!! 🙂
Amanda says
Something to do with the heart–maybe how God creates in us a clean heart–Psalm 51:10
Brittani Clark says
I think it is about the combination of today’s world and technology with our faith
Renee Hauser says
Jerry Wooley – you are having entirely too much fun!
Sandra says
I would say Jesus the great Physician He washed me white as snow.
Matt Brewer says
Buried treasure of some kind… digging or searching for the “truth.”
Barbara says
The symptom tells us to check it out, what? As a nurse I think of the blood flow thru the heart! Therefore makes me think of broken heart, freedom? Then today the Cleanse, hard working man,, the truth, knocking at the door of our hearts and then the mockingbird representation innocence. Thinking mission theme? Hopefully tomorrow clue will help! Examine. Work…..
Becky Lewis says
The verse is:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
I’m thinking a medical/ scientific theme.
Tracey Coke says
In the first Video, I saw a pattern on the Blood Platelets that appears to be a Tunnel or Cave, so it is probably part of the VBS Theme Logo. The words a Good Combination may reference “Unlocking” I see a 0.07 on the gear arm just before both videos begin which could point to Mystery or Discover. On the Second video the Digging for the Puzzle which points to TRUTH which could be the first letters of the Theme Name. The Chimes and the saying “You will Never Discover” I am leaning toward either an Archeological Dig Theme or something similar to the Truth Tracker Theme. Unlocking the Truth of God’s Love (Heart)
amy farmer says
Thinking definitely Texas is our place. Clue 1 – had outline of Texas at beginning, Clue 2 – had mockingbird (state bird of Texas) and Clue 3 – had Texas bluebonnets. Not sure of theme yet.
Mary anderson says
psalm 96:5
Jan Gunter says
I am going with my first thought…. 2016: Olympic Theme!!
Brenden says
Did anyone notice the flash picture of the man? He has words in his eyes but they’re to hard to make out!
Becky Rose says
First day’s “Desperate Man” has something written on his eyeballs: Christaan on his right, and something else on his left that doesn’t look like Barnhard to me, maybe Gustave, “combining” desperate and heart. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Jeremiah 17:9
Brad says
It said Christiaan Barnard across his eyes. After googling it, I found out he performed the world’s first successful human-to-human heart transplant. Create in me a new heart? Psalm 51:10?
Becky Rose says
The second day’s digging man is certainly in need of cleansing. Perhaps he is digging for the TRUTH (the answer to the crossword puzzle). God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 The mockingbird could mean different things.
Becky Rose says
The third day is a puzzle., but it looks like the place for VBS is Texas, mockingbird, bluebells, etc. Yet a different blue flower was flashed after the bluebells. Perhaps we are supposed to do something special with the blue letters found elsewhere in the video.
Vallery Kotila says
Salvation by God changing your heart.
Ezekiel 36:26
1 Corinthians 11:1
1 John 2:6
Psalm 51:10
Revelation 3:20
VBS Takes place in Texas shown by the mockingbird and bluebonnets and stars. 5 day VBS planned.
Suzie Horner says
Theme – Deep in the Heart of Texas
Yvonne V. says
I’m thinking trailblazer (Dr. Barnard) – ground breaking (heart transplant along with man digging) – making new discoveries and changing the way things are done. Jesus was a trailblazer and John 14:6 shows that He is the way, the truth and the life. I also see gear train – train tunnel – so maybe a locomotive blazing the trail in pioneer days?
Jerry Wooley says
Way to go Yvonne. You are one of the few to pick up on the gears pictured in the videos. You may be on to something. I can’t say more without saying more, but keep the gears in your mind turning.
Suzie Horner says
clue # 1 is the eyes of Texas are upon you. Also Deep in the Heart of Texas.
Clue #2 is the Texas state bird which is the Mockingbird. I believe the door chime is to the song Deep in the Heart of Texas. And everyone drives a truck in TX.
Clue # 3 has the T and star on the blocks and the state flower Bluebonnets.
Diana Frazer says
Jesus only can heal the broken heart.
Teresa Mistele says
I am guessing something to do with the great physician and Texas they show a hidden clue with the Texas flag, state bird and flower plus a geyser from Texas. The Christiaan Barnard they refer to was a heart surgeon in Texas. Maybe the Heart of Texas?
Teresa Mistele says
Not to mention the Desperate man painting came up missing in Texas.
carla says
Maybe something to do with birds. This may be a Texan like theme or just a play on birds Isaiah 40:31
mary anderson says
Texas round up
Sabrina says
My guess is…about the life of Christ. Specifically His baptism(bath), death and resurrection, and finally His command to go(commute) and preach the gospel to all the world. The scripture will be one that talks about how our life is transformed(heart transplant) when we turn from sin and place our life in Christ. As for the theme…that’s a tough one. Maybe a sports theme because next year will be the Olympics?
Jessica Tatum says
hmmmmm… I heard horse gallops… I am thinking western… cowboy type theme!
Katherine Vugrinec says
Toy Story?? Texas?
Julie mabrey says
I think it is a maker type theme. Lot’s of imagination
Megan says
The Armor of Christ!
Dennise Naredo says
WOW y’all are clever! Important jobs maybe?