How I Fell in Love with Backyard Kids Club
Do you ever just laugh at how God works things out? Two years ago I moved to Nashville, started work on the VBS team, and started looking for a local church to attend.
In my work, there was a need for someone to oversee the putting together of all the resources that feed into our Backyard Kids Club curriculum, because they come from so many different resources and arms of VBS. I started doing that job for the time being.
Not to mention that it wasn’t long at all after I started working that I got roped into helping with a BKC marketing shoot! (Click to read about that harrowing experience!)
Backyard Kids Club seemed to be everywhere. Then I settled at a church and learned that they’d stopped doing traditional VBS altogether in favor of doing multiple Backyard Kids Clubs throughout the community!
BKC coming out my ears!
You’d think a person would get sick of BKC after all that activity with it, but the contrary is true. I’ve grown so passionate about the ability of BKC to reach the community after being immersed in it so much.
In our society, there are so many families that are curious about religion. But for various reasons they fear or resent the idea of entering a church. The relational ministry of coworkers, friends, and neighbors in a situation like that can really be the tipping point toward or away from God for some people.
And people love people who love their kids well.
Remember, VBS is important for every kid. But it’s most important for the lost kids, the Spiritual Orphans that Dr. Shane Garrison has talked about so much at our VBS Preview Events. And sometimes it can be easier to start reaching those kids from a next door neighbor’s house than from the church down the street.
I adore the kids I’ve come to know through BKC and I’m excited to be preparing as a team leader for another great summer of work! Have you used Backyard Kids Club in your church? If not, what would you use it for if you did? If so, tell us how your experience went. We’d love to see pictures!
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