The Pastor and the Paint Brush
VBS is goin’ BIG in TEXAS! Children’s Minister, Brenda Bourgeois, at Redbud Baptist Church in Lubbock TX has put together an impressive team of people including Pastor Shon Wagner, Youth Minister James Taylor, and Deacon Terry Love. While building sets, James recalls Pastor Wagner with his sleeves rolled up, paint brush in hand—servant leadership for sure! More than 26 Redbud Baptist staff, deacons and church folks from a variety of professional backgrounds (including retired folks!) volunteered their time (about 500 man hours) preparing sets and conference plans for SBTC Training in West Texas. They’ve already completed one training event in Amarillo, March 7, with a second event planned May 9th at Redbud in Lubbuck. Check out some of their work!
…and they’re not done yet! This same Redbud Baptist team will journey off the map into their community, reaching and teaching kids during VBS, June 8-12!
Pastor Wagner, Brenda Bourgeois, James Taylor, and 5 others from Redbud, attended VBS Institute and Preview in Ft Worth. Their passion for kids ministry was (and is) contagious! We agreed that there is no better investment of our time and talent than being part of a team that helps kids and spiritual orphans come to know Jesus Christ!
Looks like a wonderful presentation and congrat on being famous in Texas. I always knew you guys and girls were great. Looks like VBS at Redbud Baptist will be the place kids will want to be this summer.
Who did the tree house? I am looking for assistance in putting it together. Is there anyone here that might could give some guidance on what holds it together and what to do first?
Hey Kim. Gordon here – from LifeWay. I was given the task of building the tree house. In Decorating Made Easy, there’s a list of the materials and the drawing we used/projected on the foam boards. The drawing has dimensions and layout of the boards. We did some free hand work to get things to lined up. To my knowledge, that’s what the church in Redbud used to build their tree house. We use Gorilla tape to hold everything together. You can get Gorilla tape at Lowes or Home Depot. We painted the foam board with latex house paint. If I can get the video guys, maybe I could do a video of how we set the thing up. We’re in full production of VBS 2016 right now and about as busy we can be. If I can pull it together, I will post it here.
The treehouse in the Decorating Made Easy book is from Mark Jones. Its the photo above with the two houses connected by a bridge. Much easier to manage on a smaller scale. The foam board gets really expensive. We used a card table, wrapped cardboard on 4 sides (held together with twine around the legs) and hot-glued bamboo to the sides. Mark suggests using the concrete tubes from lowes as your tree stump, which is likely what is in the picture, covered by a sheet. I have cardboard barrels that I used the spray foam on and painted like bark to set our treehouse on. Start with a card (or any) table– upside down!
Hey Kim. We were able to pull off a video for you! Melita walks through step by step set up. Here’s the link:
Check out page 24 and 25 in Decorating Made Easy for the drawing we projected and the general layout of the treehouse. Hope this helps!
Great photos and articles!
i would love to setup something great for my kids!
Oh great ideal, rushing water amazing