Make Training a Priority in 2015
Did you know research shows training has a huge impact on the number of professions of faith resulting from VBS? In some areas of the U.S. statics reveal that for every one person trained to work in VBS there is 1.1 professions of faith. Nationally, we know the years training numbers increase so do professions of faith. The reverse is true as well.
Now that you know how important training is to the success of an evangelistic VBS, how do you plan to provide training for your workers?
Free training for Lifeway’s Journey Off the Map VBS 2015 is most likely scheduled somewhere in your state or region in the next four months? Thousands of trained volunteers across the U.S. and Canada are prepared to share their VBS passion and expertise with you and your team. Many of these events are scheduled for February so don’t delay in finding a location near you.
To learn more about Journey Off the Map training in your area Google your State name and the word “Baptist.” For example, “Utah Baptist.” Chances are one of the first websites will be a listing for the convention of Baptist churches in your state. For Washington and Oregon search “Northwest Baptist Convention,” and for New England states search “Baptist Convention of New England.”
Once you locate your state convention, check out their website or call their office for VBS training dates. Some conventions schedule one training event for the entire state, while others train teams from local associations of churches to provide multiple training events throughout the state.
Another opportunity for free training is Lifeway’s online training venue, Ministry Grid. Currently the site contains leadership training videos designed for pastors and VBS directors, but check back in March for videos specific to Journey Off the Map.
No matter how you choose to provide training for your workers, make training them a priority in 2015.
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