6 Tips for Taking Your VBS to the Next Level

The truth is, one of the biggest threats to a great VBS ministry is stagnation. Any ministry – including VBS – that becomes tired and worn out risks the ramifications of dwindling attendance, disappearing workers, and disappointed supporters.
Stagnation can be overcome by first never allowing yourself to adopt the attitude that good enough is good enough. VBS, at its core, is heart transforming, Kingdom expanding, and culture shaping. Good enough is definitely not good enough!
The second rule for overcoming stagnation is to never allow yourself to assume you are not creative enough to do anything differently.
Taking your VBS to the next level requires creativity and without a doubt you have the ability to be creative. Here’s how:
- Accept that you are a child of the Creator – the Creator of the most creative. You have His DNA deep inside you. He has promised to give you everything you need to accomplish the ministry He has called you to.
- Begin planning early. Last-minute planning usually results in settling for less than the best. By planning early your ideas have time to breath and develop.
- Brainstorm with friends. Creativity multiplies tremendously when two or three creative minds are put to work on the same project.
- Build on the the ideas of others (giving them proper credit of course). This is one of the best reasons for attending a VBS 2015 Preview. Scripture says there is nothing new under the sun so why not use the ideas of others to launch your own creativity.
- Refuse to let a budget derail your creativity. It’s a false assumption that it takes money to be creative. The truth is, creativity is more likely to be birthed from a shortage of funds and resources than an abundance.
- Give yourself permission to fail. Supposedly, Thomas Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at creating the light bulb. True creativity is the product of both failed and successful attempts.
Join the conversation – what have you done to take your VBS to the next level?
Thanks Jerry I was just out shopping for
Christmas came back with Bible School decorations from the Caring Hearts thrift store that is a mission that was established to help people that needs help. Helping others and getting ready for VBS.
Hello. I have written a skit for this years VBS journey off the map…I do this every year for each VBS and we have a great time with it. We decorate the sanctuary according to the theme and act it out each night…We have great props and costumes. We involve the youth by giving them the opportunity to be actors in the skit. This is great for them as they gain experience in teaching and being creative and also serving. It is a good start for them to be comfortable in knowing how to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I feel it helps them to grow as Christians. They love it!!
The reason I am writing this note is to offer to share my skit with any church who would be interested in using it. I wrote it as THE Journey of a lifetime….explorers IN SEARCH OF THE ETERNAL TREASURE…..
I have done this for years and it occurred to me that others might benefit from it. I would love to share it and have it used to tell others about Jesus.
Just let me know and I would be glad to email it to you.
Thank you, Joyce Joseph
I would like to have your skit as well. Thanks and God bless!!!
I would like a copy of your skit!
I would love to see the skit!
I would love to look at your skit. I believe we have enough teens to put a drama together. Thank you for sharing!
I would love to have a copy of the skit. Thank you.
I would love to read your skit
I would love to see your skit. My email is [email protected]
I would love a copy of the skit. My email is [email protected]
I would love to get your skit Joyce!
How do we get a copy of the skit?
I would love to see the skit!!
Would love to see your skit. Thanks for sharing
I would love a copy of the skit! Thank you for sharing your creativity.
I would like to have a copy of your skit!
Taking VBS to the next level, for us means my son, Anderson Bond building a VBS vehicle. He takes it to different churches to help excite folks about VBS!
I would love a copy of your skit
I would love a copy of the skit. My email is [email protected]
My wife, myself, and our family have been a worship team for over twenty years. Through this time God has taught us much. One of our “straight from God” messages was to do at least a song or two (5-10 minutes) during the VBS final program to let the moms and dads see what you do on Sunday mornings. This gives unchurched (saved and unsaved alike) families a glimpse of they otherwise may never see. The number of families we have seen later visit, join, and become active is large, and we have seen this almost everywhere we have done this. However, we have also been heart broken by stagnated leadership that thinks such is a waste of time. Not only do they never see any fruit (from families becoming active or even visiting), the capacity crowds have dwindled to almost nothing (our last VBS final night had only 11 people there that were not already members). But no one understands, and “We ain’t done it that way before”. It hurts to watch.