Expressing Appreciation to Your Team
Christmas is when we most often express appreciation the best. Reflecting on the greatest gift of all – Jesus Christ – leads us to think of all that others have done to bless and enrich our lives. Giving tokens of appreciation just comes natural at Christmas. But what about the rest of the year – especially for those VBS workers who are enlisted long after the holidays?
The best way to express your appreciation to this army of faithful volunteers is not with monetary gifts but with your actions throughout the year.
Pray for them. Pray daily for each worker and his or her individual needs and responsibilities. Let your team know they are being prayed for.
Respect them. Begin and end planning and preparation sessions on time. Clearly communicate expectations, goals, schedules, and potential changes. Delegate responsibilities then give them the chance to accomplish their tasks.
Value them. Let them know you recognize and are grateful for the importance and value of their responsibilities and contributions. Be their greatest encourager and cheerleader.
Help them succeed. Provide positive leadership and the resources needed to do a great job.
Applaud them. Publicly brag about them. Privately express your appreciation.
Love them (and their families). Invite workers and their families to your home for a relaxed backyard cookout a few weeks after VBS. Deliver a plate of cookies. Send birthday and holiday cards. Celebrate their victories. Sympathize with their sorrows. Let them know you care for them as individuals, not just as someone who helps you – and your VBS – succeed.
Join the conversation – how do you express appreciation to your VBS workers?
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